"The Pua Simulation" Aims to Make Nervous Nerds in to Super Ladies' Men

New software company aims to make a piece of software that will help men master techniques from the Pick Up Artist community.

The Seduction Community, otherwise known as the Pick Up Artist (PUA) Community consists of men who dedicate time to learning how to attract women. The community has become increasingly popular and references to it's techniques have appeared in TV Series, Books, Movies, Youtube videos and many websites. And soon, a computer simulation!

Critics of the PUA Community have been very outspoken and refer to the community as sexist, misogynist and pseudo-scientific.

Mike Hayden, Head of Marketing at the new software venture said:

“Modern technology and modern culture has meant that a lot of young people have grown up without as much experience of socialising with other people. This can make them nervous and uncomfortable approaching and talking to girls. Approaching someone we like can be nerve racking for the best of us. Our product aims to help men increase their confidence and their ability to socialise with and attract women.

The software will be based on PUA techniques that have science to back them up and on Evolutionary Psychology which has shed a lot of light on human attraction and mating in recent decades.”

The PUA Simulation Game is currently being crowdfunded at http://puasim.com. The aim is to create a piece of simulation software that will teach players the art of Pick Up. More importantly it will allow them to practice and hone their skills in a simulated environment to increase their confidence and ability in the real world.

Mike also said:

“This unique project will be a combination of technology assisted leaning, computerised simulation and will represent a practical application of Evolutionary Psychology. It may be one of the first projects of it's kind. There are some basic phone apps and flash games out there that help provide pick up knowledge. Our software will allow people to practice and master skills. The skills will be broken down so they can be mastered individually in a similar fashion to the meta learning techniques made famous by entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss.

This could be the start of a range of software that uses technology to do the opposite to what it normally does, helping people to develop social skills instead of hindering them. It is not intended to replace social interaction, it is a learning tool to make it easier to master certain social skills.

This could open the door for other similar software that helps people make friends, pass job interviews and learn various job skills. Simulations are already used to train staff for certain job skills like customer service, sales, HR duties and they are in common use for certain jobs including aeroplane pilots, doctors and surgeons. They have been shown to be very effective.”