The Next Big Step in Natural Skin Care - 90 Purified Ocean Elements

New York, NY, October 12, 2015 ( - New in the skin care world of Natural and certified organic products is a brand with a Health Enhancing element not found in other natural and organic brands. Herbal Transdermal with proprietary ingredient, 90 Purified Ocean Elements.
“By cleansing your body and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” ~Dr. Edward Group III
"By cleansing your body and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!" ~Dr. Edward Group III
Dr. Edward Group III, Dr
What exactly is 90 Purified Ocean Elements ?
Health Enhancing Proprietary ingredient, 90 Purified Ocean Elements is a purified combination of 90 isolated natural elements that are found in the ocean and also in the healthy human body. Most of us are severely lacking in the full spectrum of necessary elements needed for true cellular health. These are the same elements that are abundant in balanced pristine nature.
"Our process for isolating these pure, natural, fundamental elements is a closely guarded proprietary secret but rest assured, 90 of the most critical elements needed for optimal health and life itself are contained in our product line.
We believe we have truly found the secret to delivering mother natures perfect balance of minerals and elements…transdermally. These are critical elements needed for true cellular health. The vast majority of the earths population is significantly lacking in these natural elements, especially those people eating western diets. Our products are developed to flood your body with Mother Natures true life enhancing elements." - Greg Kelly CEO Herbal Transdermal
Roughly 96 percent of the mass of the human body is made up of just four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, with a lot of that in the form of water. The remaining 4 percent is a sparse sampling of the periodic elements chart. But never forget that this 4 % is critical, so critical in fact that a myriad of disease and sickness will develop if we are even a fraction of a percentage shy in any of these trace elements! Some of the more prominent elements are called macro nutrients, while those at the level of parts per million or less are referred to as micro nutrients.
All of these nutrients perform various functions, including the building of bones and cell structures, regulating the body’s pH, driving chemical reactions and many functions we have yet to discover.
With ingredients listed on each product page in their online retail store Herbal Transdermal also uses, no synthetic colorants, no sodium lauryl sulphates, no propylene glycol, no parabens, no petrochemicals, no animal ingredients, no animal testing, is cruelty free, phthalate free and last but not least they use certified organic ingredients.
With a Mission Statement of "To create a healthier you inside and out….Period." CEO Greg Kelly also had more to say about Health Enhancing Natural Skin Care brand Herbal Transdermal
"The concept of creating a line of natural products that not only cleaned your body and didn’t put further toxic chemicals in your body was nothing new. But what about skin care products that actually do all that and feed your body super high quality oils and herbs through the skin… Herbal Transdermals were thought up one night while I was visiting my mother in Carmel California. After looking up what sodium laurel sulphate was and methyl parabens and all those other words we can’t pronounce I was flabbergasted that the FDA allowed this stuff to be used, it is pure poison. I knew the public would want better products. What if I could hunt up the absolute best stuff from around the world and create a line of super healthy soaps, lotions, mud masks, night serums etc… the best of the best regardless of cost. Would the world pay extra for the absolute best natural ingredients available?
I sat down and went over the ‘problems’ people had in their lives like stress, aging skin, mood, acne, fatigue, dry skin etc…. Now if we could create products that could help alleviate some of these issues and purge further toxins out of your body we might be onto something. So the research began in earnest. What herbs and essential oils help with stress? What helps with firming skin? What helps moisturize skin?…and so on down the line. How do we color the bars without synthetic dyes? What will the base be? How big will the bars be? How do we package them? How will they smell? Hey….going natural is complicated biz trust me.
After a year of research and trial and error we started to really grasp the value of true cellular health and what it takes to achieve it. Little did we know that the world would indeed beat a path to our door if we package excellence. We are continually growing our product line and our quest for the best of the best. We love comments from our customers on how we can make our products better, what you want etc…we never stop learning and we never stop teaching.
We are dedicated to creating the best, natural, chemical free products on earth." - Greg Kelly CEO Herbal Transdermal
Hopefully the future will see more advancements in using safe and clean ingredients in products we all use on a everyday basis.