The New "Shovel Fork": Provides Gardeners and Landscapers With A Multipurpose Tool
New York, NY, May 28, 2015 ( - Attention lawn and garden workers! Here is a tool that does more then one task? The Shovel Fork is a specially designed enhancement to the common shovel that features a series of sharpened tines at the end of the shovel head. It provides gardeners and landscapers with a multipurpose tool for completing a variety of tasks including shoveling, collecting yard debris or penetrating hard soils. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in the Shovel Fork.
The Patent Pending Shovel Fork was invented by John Carey of Seaford, NY who said, “Combining elements of a traditional shovel with that of a garden broadfork, the Shovel Fork is designed to accommodate a overflow of the garden, landscape and even construction tasks, all with one, simple-to-use tool. The unit has a sturdy hand-grip, coated in grooved rubber to facilitate a comfortable and secure hold during use. The shovel head features a concave, steel scoop, similar in general appearance to standard scoops.”
The inventor added, “The Shovel Fork features five or six sharp, teeth-like tines, evenly spaced apart along the end of the scoop. These teeth are designed expressly to facilitate quick and expedient penetration of soil, clay, or other tightly packed material. The Shovel Fork provides both a shovel and broad-fork with one handy tool. Best of all, it works perfectly.”
For More Information, Click HERE
EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Telephone: 212-620-2629
Contact: Jeanne Nelson Media Dept.: #6362 Tel: (212) 620-2629