The New Memorable Wines App For Iphone Offers Wine Fans A Zippy Way To Remember And Share Their Favorite Wines

The new iPhone app Memorable Wines has been designed specifically for wine lovers. Its simple, elegant design lets any user quickly capture details about wines they like, create a personal wine list and share their favorites online.

Memorable Wines is a new app for iPhone and iPod touch that is designed specifically for the wine lover who wants to remember and share the best wines they experience. The way this stylish app is designed makes it easy and fast for wine lovers to create memory-jogging records of their wines.

The secret of this speedy app is the way it reduces the need for tedious finger typing on a small screen. Using a clever combination of photos, voice memos, checkboxes, and single-tap "quick notes", users can make a wine record in seconds. The ability to edit wine records later satisfies the thorough type who may want to add tasting notes, website links and such. Either way, the app creates a list of favorite wines that are searchable and sortable by wine type. For those who like to share, emailing a favorite wine to friends and family is easy, and including the photo and voice memo can be fun. Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr sharing are also built in which makes it easy to post a wine recommendation to your online friends or followers.

Without complex features that get in the way, Memorable Wines lets everyone from wine newbies to connoisseurs capture as many or as few details as they want, create a personal list of favorite wines and share them with the world.