The National Atheist Party - Call For Action Gun Control Laws
Online, December 21, 2012 ( - Words alone cannot express our sorrow over the deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Ct. The National Atheist Party and its members express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this horrific act. However, lost in the media coverage of the December 14 tragedy of Newtown were other shootings around the country: three wounded at St. Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham, Ala. on Saturday Dec. 15, 2012. Police say Marcos Gurrola, 42, shot about 50 rounds of ammunition in the parking lot of a Newport Beach, California shopping mall on December 15. Deputy Sheriff Christopher Parsons was shot and killed in an apparent ambush in Washington County, Missouri on December 15. Columbia, Mo. (pop. 120,000) - police reported three shooting incidents in twelve hours on December 15, the latest in a growing number of gun related incidents in smaller towns and cities throughout the United States. It must be recognized that many of the guns used were purchased legally and include, as in the case in Newtown, military style assault rifles and large magazine semi-automatic handguns. The NAP is calling for stricter federal and state gun control laws and the reinstatement of the assault rifle ban. Since the April, 1999 mass murder at Columbine High School in Littleton, Co., there have been 21 mass shootings in American schools alone, resulting in 110 deaths, not including suicides and the many wounded. The NAP backs calls for stricter gun laws in the United States as stated by Colorado governor John Hickenlooper and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg representing both his city and Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The NAP also condemns the efforts of the National Rifle Association's efforts to bully Congress with threats of action against those who rally for tighter gun ownership regulation and their fear mongering with false information concerning the "threat" to the Second Amendment. Many NAP members are firearms owners and the NAP is not opposed to gun ownership and supports our Second Amendment right to bear arms. The NAP also recognizes that with this right comes a great responsibility. Part of that responsibility falls on Congress to act. The NAP is calling for immediate and reasonable congressional action starting with the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban and the banning of large capacity magazines for handguns, long guns and rifles. The National Atheist Party is a non-profit, 527 political organization devoted to issue advocacy and guided by the values of secular humanism and evidenced-based reasoning. The party seeks to politically represent U.S. atheists and all who share the goal of a secular government by gathering the political strength of secularists nationwide. To learn more about the party, visit National Atheist Party Public Relations and Marketing Jason Dixon, Public Relations P.O. Box 371 Florence, KY 41022 224-210-1211]In the spirit of the winter holiday season, the National Atheist party extends its best to all theists and atheists serving our nation in the Armed Forces.
NAP recognizes the diversity of winter celebrations and the similarities they share - regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion. The lighting of candles and fires on or about the winter solstice is meant by many to represent the rebirth of the planet after a long cold winter. The return of greenery, to be able to plant crops and the witnessing of new births of livestock.
The National Atheist Party and its members appreciate the sacrifices made by the men and women in uniform, and we honor them for their service during this time when the preparations for the spring months of major wars and battles are planned and organized. NAP also honors the families, husbands, wives, children and others for their own sacrifice, in not having their loved one home in the safety and comfort of his or her family's arms.
"The atheist or non-religious serviceman or woman is often forgotten during this time of year" said Troy Boyle, President of the National Atheist Party "so we want to take this opportunity to recognize the fact that there ARE atheists in foxholes, and we appreciate their service and sacrifice, particularly during those times that their absence is keenly felt. 'Come home safe' is our message to them and our hope for their families."
For our atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and free thinkers serving our country's needs, we send a message of good spirits, health and peace. The NAP and its members know how hard the winter holidays are for atheists in the military; a time that represents time spent apart from family, friends and festivities. We extend our support and strength, and to let you know that you are not forgotten.
To all those serving our nation, regardless of religious affiliation, may your winter celebrations bring you cheer and love, and may our nation find peace in 2013.
The National Atheist Party is a non-profit, 527 political organization devoted to issue advocacy and guided by the values of secular humanism and evidenced-based reasoning. The party seeks to politically represent U.S. atheists and all who share the goal of a secular government by gathering the political strength of secularists nationwide. To learn more about the party, visit
National Atheist Party
Public Relations and Marketing
Jason Dixon,
Public Relations
P.O. Box 371
Florence, KY 41022