The Mis-Education of the Buddhist Negro

Memphis, Tennessee, January 4, 2016 ( - The Father of African/American history Dr. Cater G. Woodson wrote in his classic 1933 Book The Mis-education of the Negro; If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one."
Anthony "Amp" Elmore President and Founder of the "Proud Black Buddhist World Association" posted his first Buddhist lecture for 2016 "The Mis-Education of the Buddhist Negro." Elmore notes that in regards to African/Americans and the Buddhist teachings the "World's most mis-educated Buddhist in the world are "African/American Buddhist." Elmore a 5 Time World Karate/Kickboxing Champion who lives in Memphis, Tennessee is making it his Life Mission to challenge the "Mis-education of African/Americans in regards to the Buddha and Buddhist teachings.
"in their religion, which is called Buddhism, they give all their Buddhas the image of a black man, with his lips and his nose, and even show his hair all curled up on his head; they didn't curl it up, he was born that way"
Malcolm X, Black Leader January 24, 1964
Elmore makes note that we should start correcting the "Mis-Education of the Buddhist Negro" at Morehouse college the Alma Mata of Dr. Martin Luther King whereas Morehouse college shamefully house a picture of Japanese Leader Daisaku Ikeda who Elmore calls "The Mis-Educator in Chief" of Black Buddhist in America.
Elmore notes that SGI President Daisaku Ikeda a controversial Buddhist leader should have no place at "Morehouse College." Ikeda is considered one of the most powerful men in Japan. Ikeda's power and wealth is so vast that his SGI Buddhist empire determines who becomes the prime minister of Japan. Ikeda is known worldwide as an "Influence peddler" and he was able to use his money and influence to capitalize off of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. In regards to Buddhist teachings the SGI is the most successful Buddhist organization in the world in regards to recruiting Black or African/Americans to the Buddhist faith.
Elmore who joined the SGI Buddhist organization in Memphis, Tennessee in1974 shortly after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. As a youth Elmore became involved with many of the "Black pioneers" in Memphis who were associated with Dr. King. While in high school Elmore attended meetings at the Church of Rev. James Lawson who went to school in India who introduced to Dr. King Gandhi's theory of passive resistance. Dr. Billy Kyles who was at the Lorraine Motel to take Dr. King to his home for dinner where Dr. King was Killed, Elmore had a close association. Elmore organized a "Black organization with Dr. Kyles son Dwange and Elmore later joined "Black men pushing" or the operation push organization founded by king aide Rev. Jesse Jackson.
In 1972 Elmore quit college to join with another King aide Rev. James Bevel. Bevel was the brainchild of the Dr. King Selma to Montgomery March. Elmore while in High School in Memphis organized the 1st 18 year old voter registration drive in Tennessee. In 1972 Elmore joined with Rev. Bevel in Gary Indiana for the world's 1st Black political convention.
Elmore brought the passion he gained from "Black movement in Memphis" to his faith and NSA/SGI Buddhist practice. Elmore a student of Black history read the book "Malcolm X or Afro-American history." Malcolm X one of the foremost leaders in Black history and struggle lectured on January 24, 1964 on Afro-American history. Malcolm X taught that the "Buddha was Black." This information inspired Elmore to share this information with other Buddhist. The SGI organization resisted Elmore noting this information in that SGI President Daisaku Ikeda wrote in his fictional book "The Living Buddha" that the Buddha was an Aryan or White.
In the 1933 Book the Mis-education of the Negro Dr. Carter G. Woodson writes: “Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.”
Elmore an SGI Buddhist considered SGI Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda his Buddhist master and teacher was forced to choose between his Black hero Malcolm X and Japanese leader Daisaku Ikeda. Elmore researched "Malcolm X resources and the information lead Elmore to the 1833 Sir Geoffrey Higgins historical book the Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis : Or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions.
Higgins writes in the Anacalypsis: “The time has now arrived when it becomes proper to enter upon an examination of the doctrines of the celebrated Buddha of India, which were the foundations of all the mythoses of the Western nations.” Herodotus the father of history who travel to India over 150 years after the death of the Buddha writes: “All the tribes I mentioned their skins are all of the same color, much like the Ethiopians.” Herodotus names Meroe in Nubia Sudan in Africa as the "Cradle of the Gymnosophist" (Buddhist in Ancient Africa) (history of Herodotus (Greek Historian 484 B.C.E.)
British Historian Geoffrey Higgins makes clear that all the Foundations of the mythoses of Western Nations comes from the Buddha of India. Elmore notes that the hidden and untold World history of Black people arrive from the Buddhist teachings. While the untold story of Black people worldwide exist in the Buddhist teachings Elmore notes that a concerted plan has been implemented worldwide to hide this "Black Buddhist History." Elmore calls this plan "The Mis-Education of the Buddhist Negro."
In the 1st Century A.D. Buddhism a known Black religion was adopted by the White Kushun King Kaniska who had conquered India. King Kaniska was influenced by the India Buddhist Ashvaghosha. Ashvaghosha was the father of new Buddhism called Mahayana. Mahayana Buddhism was the time in history where Buddhism became separated by race, culture and language. King Kaniska changed the image of the Buddha from "Black to White." A new form of Buddhist art, Gandhara Art, was developed. Beautiful stone images of Buddha were fashioned in a Greek-Roman style.
King Kaniska and Buddhist Ashvaghosha re-invented Buddhism making Buddhism a White religion as they called their own 4th Buddhist Council. The significance of their council was changing the image of Buddhist culture and language from Black to White. Buddhist teachings were moved from the Black Pail language to the new language of Sanskrit. The new Mahayana Buddhism is the time in Buddhist history where all Black culture, history and language was removed from the Buddhist religion.
We move to the 21st century and the "Black Lives Matter Movement" whereas not only people of color but our modern social and technological society demands "equality and inclusion." Elmore notes that Asians particularity Japanese Buddhist teachers follow the Mahayana Buddhist tradition whereas all Black culture, history, and language has been extricated from the Buddhist teachings.
Elmore makes notes that Japanese Buddhist teachers and organizations like Daisaku Ikeda's SGI, Nichiren Shoshu and Nichiren Shu are out of touch with a 21st Century America. While America elected its 1st Black or African/American President in 2008 the Buddhist religion has not produced one Black or African/American who is respected by the Black community as a spokes person and voice of the Black Buddhist community.
Anthony "Amp" Elmore organized the "Proud Black Buddhist World Association" after trying for decades to convince his Japanese Buddhist teachers to make the "Black Buddhist History and Culture" inclusive of Buddhist teachings. In 2013 Elmore reached out to the Nichiren Shu Black Female Priest Myokei Shonin who heads a Nichiren Buddhist sect in Houston, Texas. Elmore wrote a letter to Myokei Shonin and the Nichiren Shu leaders inquiring about their policy in regards to African/Americans. The local Black Memphis Shu leader cursed Elmore out and Nichiren Shu made it known that Elmore was not welcome to any Nichiren Shu Buddhist meetings.
The father of African/American history Dr. Carter G. Woodson encouraged African/Americans to become "Autodidacts" and do for self. Elmore who in 1998 founded the "Proud Black Buddhist Website" in January of 2014 founded the "Proud Black Buddhist World Association. Elmore notes we are the Black Buddhist voice of Buddhism. We have over 300 videos and when you search African/American Buddhist "Proud Black Buddhist " comes up number one on the Google search engines.
Elmore is clear that we can fight Asian and Japanese Racism that not only marginalize Black people in regards to Buddhism and their practices of " Asian Cultural Imperialism" in the 21 century amounts to outright racism. Elmore notes that we must fight against the Mis-Education of the Buddhist Negro.
Our fight should start at Morehouse college in regards to the picture of Japanese SGI leader Daisaku Ikeda picture at Morehouse college and his association with Dr. Martin Luther King. When Dr. King was fighting for equality of all humans Daisaku Ikeda was not only silent, no Blacks were on the executive boards of the NSA Buddhist organizations, during cultural festivals the SGI excluded Black culture and history. Moreover in 2016 the SGI as well of all of the Japanese Buddhist sect have extricated all Black culture and history from their Buddhist teachings.
Elmore has named 2016 as the year of "Insight and Education as the theme of the Proud Black Buddhist World Association. While we have great Black leaders in World history we must let the world know about the "Black Buddha" and fight against the "Mis-education of the Buddhist Negro".