The Million Word Site Relaunches: Nice Guys Don't Finish Last.

Many a new site has appeared promising at startup, only to fizzle and disappear in the highly competitive online world. But Itzhak Schier did not give up and he has relaunched The MillionWordSite even after difficulties replaced initial promise.

Itzhak Schier recently relaunched the Million Word Site, his critically acclaimed page driver, display advertising and SEO site, which had been beset by difficulties related to a former part owner who was unable to discharge his responsibilities to the site.

After two weeks of soft relaunch during which he and his new team added features and transferred information to the new site, he began to gradually promote the new version of the MillionWordSIte. Three days later, he had to upgrade to a new, faster, higher capacity server as interest in the new site was so great that the number of hits was too high for his development server to handle.

Users purchase the exclusive right to post a specific word or phrase on the site, and once any word or phrase is taken the only way a new user can post the same one is to purchase that right from the existing holder. When originally launched, the site was extremely popular but as the sale feature was not available, it faded in popularity until the relaunch. Nevertheless, it boasts a loyal cadre of users from the United States and the United Kingdom as well as from other parts of Europe and even from Asia.

"I have to give my customers what I promised them," the site creator, a Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidic Jew known as "the serial cyberentrepreneur" said. "I have other sites, and interests outside the Internet, but I felt I had a responsibility to the many people who trusted me and believed in my concept, even though some of them already got what they needed out of the site and kind of forgot about me. According to my Jewish beliefs and the code of ethics which is a part of Jewish law, I have to keep my word to my customers, and that is why I relaunched. Even if I don't make a single cent this time, I am doing the right thing and that is what counts."

The new features, streamlined design, and easier user interface have already gotten kudos from both new and original users. While experts question whether the time for page driver sites has passed, they give Schier a great chance at success because his idea had already proven itself and because of his integrity and dedication to his customers.

About The MillionWordSite
