The Mayans Had Developed Three Calendar Systems

The Mayans during their classical period between the 250 AD and 900 AD rose to great heights of civilization.

The Mayans during their classical period between the 250 AD and 900 AD rose to great heights of civilization. They were skilled farmers and hunters along with great mathematicians, storytellers, astronomers, artists, linguists and architects.

Most of these skills are still far better progressed compared to our own especially their calendar systems, hieroglyphic writing and their astronomical knowledge.

The Mayans had developed three calendar systems. The two more commonly used were cyclic calendars like our own Georgian calendar the third however was a continuous (linear) calendar that started from a mythical date of creation of the world in 1 Baktun and ends on the 13 Baktun.

This third calendar called the Mayan Long Count Calendar is the point of much debate among the classic and contemporary Mayan experts. Some suggest this is just a point of regeneration and others claim it is the sign of an apocalypse.

There are a number of experts both classic and contemporary that fall on each side of the argument. The problem is the language barrier, as the hieroglyphic writing or at least our knowledge of it lends a mythological quality to the writing itself opening it up to many interpretations and contradictions.

The Mayan Long Count Calendar however with its interlocking Solar and Lunar cycles is not disputed as it afforded the Mayans and unusual sight into the astronomical future of our solar system.

The ideas that they were able to not only predict the Winter Solstice of 2012 with uncanny ability but the equinox that will see the alignment of Earth with the black hole is astonishing to say the least.

We have only in the recent years discovered there is a black hole. If we read through the Mayan accounts of what will happen during this end of the world age, we find that they reference a demon of the underworld unleashed upon Earth by a serpent (shaped like our galaxy) that causes destruction through water and floods.

The Mayans refer to this date of December 2012 as the days of the withered fruit and the tempest.

With all the Mayan prophecies that have come true, their astronomical knowledge that eludes us to date along with the deteriorating state of our societies and the rising water levels it is not wrong to think that there is some truth to the Mayan prophecy of doom for 21 December 2012.

Ever since the 2006 release of Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" we have all not only believed in global warming but like the good citizens of the world that we are all trying out best to save the planet.

We do every little thing we are told to save energy so that the rapid heating up of our planet due to green house gasses does not cause any further devastation that it already has.

The temperature of Earth has increased by 1 percent in the last century alone and if we are told that if we continue on polluting the way we are now the earth will melt faster and the weather patterns will only get worse.

There are however some new information that every one "conveniently" seems to be either oblivious to or omitting. Here are some of our astounding finding that might make even the most staunch Global warming supporters to raise an eye brow.

It has been observed by Solar experts, scientists and astronomers that the Sun's activity in the last 60 years has been the strongest in recorded history. Any global warming literate will tell you that the 1 degree rise in Earth's temperature has happened in the last 50 years.

• Solar activity has its cycles too and it peaks usually peaks every 20 years and keeps that high energy or activity up for 3 to 4 years. Sun was supposed to have its last peak in 2000 yet it is still peaking and as we end 2009 it is showing no signs of diminishing.

• The head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pullover Astronomical Observatory has reported a trend of ebbs and flows of temperatures in both Earth and Mars the same as the fluctuations in Sun's activity.

• Mars Carbon Ice caps as NASA reports have now been rapidly melting for at least three summers, just like our own.

• Jupiter and Saturn are showing increased activity on their surfaces due to the increased energy released towards them by the Sun. Drastic changes in Jupiter's climatic makeup and an increase in storms has been recorded.

• Neptune's biggest moon Triton has also had a rapid increase in its core temperature in the last decade.

• Again these are just some very curious facts about the existence of a rapidly approaching Planetary body (Planet X) towards the Sun or just out pollution causing the whole Solar System to warm up. You decide.