The Major Shareholder of TACO Agricultural Company of Ukraine Sold his Portfolio

The major shareholder of TACO agricultural company of Ukraine Dmitri Kolesnik sold his majority stake

The major shareholder of TACO agricultural company of Ukraine Dmitri Kolesnik sold his majority stake

Dmitri Kolesnik, having been long considered the main beneficiary of TACO, PJSC discontinued his participation in the company in 2014.

According to official information of the Stock market infrastructure development agency of Ukraine (SMIDA), the structural changes occurred last year when the owner of a large block of shares deposited with Fidobank, PJSC sold its portfolio to Milargo, LLC, thus increasing the share of the latter to 52%. Two other shareholders of TAСO whose shares are deposited on the accounts of Ukrsotsbank, PJSC (25%) and First Ukrainian International Bank, PJSC (15%) retained their stock in the company.

Dmitri Kolesnik is known to have been the main beneficiary of TACO, PJSC since the establishment of the company. Hence, when the sale of 52% of shares was announced, agricultural market analysts concluded that such a large block of shares must have been sold by the main beneficiary.

A source close to Dmitri Kolesnik confirmed this assumption.

Unicredit bank has recently accused TACO of loan payment evasion. The bank’s officials claimed that Dmitri Kolesnik in the capacity of controlling shareholder and the loan guarantor was opposing the realization of the bank’s rights to claim the loan by using fraudulent schemes and abusing the judicial system.

In response to the unfounded allegations of Unicredit bank, a group of international and Ukrainian lawyers is currently preparing an anti-defamation lawsuit against those banking institutions and media companies who disseminated false information and contributed to the blackening of Dmitri Kolesnik’s reputation.