The Kortes Group Launches New Email Marketing Service.

Email marketing is being taken to a new level at The Kortes Group. They are calling their focus "isolated product exposure." So, why all the hype? They have found the means to effectively market your business.

Isolated product exposure, through email marketing, is quite simply a method of marketing a product or service by keeping the customer focused rather than to be side tracked with other news or unrelated products. Your business has a firm goal in mind when marketing your product but, when marketing through the overloaded email system, one must look at what the customers will actually do with the information presented to them. There exists such a small window of opportunity to reach out to the intended customers & perk their interests. Very rarely do people open an email more then once. What isolated product exposure does is allow the customer to visually see specific information that will spark an immediate curiosity to learn more. From that initial incentive, customers will be directed to the main website, or elsewhere. "When marketing through emails you need to be consistent and specific" says CEO, CJ Kortes, "The Internet is a fast paced world and the users are impatient. Don't make your customer search through the fluff but rather get to the point and get them excited. Otherwise they will click away to the next thought." The Kortes Group is very excited about the launch of this service and how it will help their customers in these fast paced times. They want every business to benefit from email marketing through isolated product exposure as it will work great for sales but will help the bottom line as well.