The Global Methane Initiative will cover biogas production

According to information agency RBK Ukraine, US government wants Ukraine to participate in Methane to Markets Ministerial meeting held in Mexico City on 1 October 2010.

According to information agency RBK Ukraine, US government wants Ukraine to participate in Methane to Markets Ministerial meeting held in Mexico City on 1 October 2010 to declare the partnership of participating countries in regards to future cooperation in the field of methane production within The Global Methane Initiative.

As counselor of economic affairs of US embassy in Ukraine Shever Waltmer stated, the signing of declaration will enable Ukrainian government to share its experience and build necessary business connections. "The initiative will also cover the projects of methane production on city dumpsters and biogas production," - commented Shever Waltmer.

NAER representative Nikolay Pashkevych is convinced, cooperation between US and Ukraine in methane production will benefit both countries. "Advancement of methane production process is not solemnly about effective energy consumption, it's about the safety of mine workers," - said Nikolay Pashkevych.

Igor Asyutov, CEO of "ZORG Ukraine," international manufacturer of biogas plants, commented in his interview with "Biogas consists of 60% of methane and 40% of CO2, while natural gas has 90% of methane and 10% of CO2. Purification of biogas makes it an equivalent of natural gas by its properties, although its cost is substantially cheaper and biogas remains an environmentally clean renewable energy."