The Future of Real Estate Marketing Is Approaching: QR Codes Engage the Mobile Curbside Consumer

Location, location, location - traditional offline real estate marketing will always be at the foundation of most successful real estate marketing campaigns; however with today's mobile curbside consumer those who embrace this technique will win.

According to, real estate marketing has acquired a few more tricks. Tomorrow's real estate marketing programs will need to boast mobile technology innovation, better mobile engagement and continue to place a very strong value on location, location, location. With the dramatic increase of smartphone usage by more and more consumers, impressive new mobile phone technologies and lighting fast broadband networks available around the world - the real estate marketing world is about to evolve and QR code campaigns are about to be at the foundation of this evolution.

Not so long ago the real estate industry was separated into two very distinct camps, the technology savvy and the technology challenged. With the increasing simplicity of those once complex online marketing tools - the lines of separation are now becoming blurred and everyone virtually has access to easy-to-use online listing tools; making it simple to access real estate or rental property details online that are instantly searchable from any consumer's desktop - no matter the consumer's physical location.

However, this type of online marketing focused on the desktop shopper has not fully supported the mobile curbside consumer who is either physically on location or in the local community seeking one-click listing information and contact details. These curbside mobile consumers should not be ignored in any real estate marketer's plan especially since these shoppers are by far the most likely lead to be converted into a buyer, as opposed to the pure online searcher.

Today, QR codes have become the most cost effective way to provide a "digital bridge" for those mobile consumers from traditional offline marketing campaigns still dominated by uniquely branded real estate yard signs, expensive paper brochures, static local magazine ads and boring neighborhood direct mail campaigns to the more dynamic and engaging online marketing media available today. By engaging the mobile curbside consumer on location, and at the pinnacle time of their interest, with virtually one-click instant access to dialing their own mobile phone to a specified phone number, sending a predefined email while in front of the property, engaging with social media, linking to interior photos and/or providing very detailed pricing webpages for that same location where the QR code is being scanned - the campaign will generate more relative and timely leads. After all, in real estate it is all about location, location, location.

This new marketing role that these two-dimensional codes will play as a bridge to online real estate marketing assets is going to continue to become more and more important as the real estate industry begins to embrace the "mobile mind shift" and place more priority on having a mobile-first marketing strategy, as opposed to the now outdated online-first marketing strategy.

The mobile-first strategy is already happening today and being embraced by some of the largest third-party listing providers. These mobile-friendly sites make it very easy to incorporate into your local curbside campaign, however those who have spent years building their brand in the local community may approach this easy access with caution as to remain in control of that same brand without risking any brand dilution with some of your most valuable leads - the curbside consumer.

As a local digital marketing solution, this is a primary reason why real estate focused company's should begin to embrace and integrate dynamic QR codes in their offline marketing assets to help remain in control of their own branding and also guide their local and curbside consumers to the information deemed appropriate when searching from the curb, reading a magazine or simply viewing a listing in a window display. The world is moving fast and as the next generation of Millennials age into their 30s, the typical age of a first time home buyer, so will the need for faster access to listing details, 24/7 availability, more dynamic interior photos, virtual tours and self-dialing contact information with the simple click of a button - all within the real estate marketers control.

To help ensure that the real estate industry has access to the most relevant QR code related marketing trends, tips, statistics and research - has developed a Twitter feed that can easily be followed with daily tweets to help disseminate the most recent news and articles related to QR code marketing in the real estate and property management industry at @rainmaqr or the Twitter hashtag #LetTheQRcodeWork.

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