'The Four Factors of Happiness: Open in Case of Emergency' -- William K. Wesley's Newest Book Shares How to Unlock More Happiness

The Four Factors of Happiness: Open In Case of Emergency is transformational speaker, author and Top Performance Coach William K. Wesley's newest book offering poignant and insightful suggestions towards cultivating and unlocking true and lasting happiness in one's daily life, as well as learning how true happiness delivers many rewarding experiences.

The Four Factors of Happiness: Open in Case of Emergency

In his newest pocketbook entitled The Four Factors of Happiness: Open In Case of Emergency, William K. Wesley shares the four keys to attaining more happiness: (1) Laugh, (2) Listen, (3) Care, and (4) Compare. He asks and answers critical questions regarding the nature of happiness, why some folks seem to have more happiness in their lives, as well as how personal daily habits can either expand or diminish the amount of happiness in one’s daily life.

“As part of my book revision, I needed to round out several key aspects of why some people are happy and some aren’t,” says William. “It wasn’t just a ‘Happiness Factor’ as my original title implied; there are four major factors of happiness. What are the factors? How are they used? I realized I needed to have intimate one-on-one conversations with dozens of people. How could I do that on a budding author’s budget? Then it hit me: UBER. Simply become a driver and be able to spend 10-25 minutes each ride with a virtual ‘captive interviewee’. So, I signed up and for a few months, as I drove passengers to their destinations, I asked them detailed questions about happiness, success, family habits and more. What I uncovered, I have included in my re-titled work, The Four Factors of Happiness."

As a result of his “research”, this little pocketbook is meant to be used as:

  • Quick reading material on a topic of interest to many people, especially during challenging times and current events
  • A quick resource for daily inspiration
  • A reference book for ideas to practice daily happiness

Within the pages of The Four Factors of Happiness: Open In Case of Emergency, William offers fun – and sometimes playfully challenging – exercises for the reader to examine what he or she might or might not be doing or thinking that can either bring more happiness to their careers, relationships and life in general … or push away that happiness. By demonstrating how just making subtle changes in one’s actions and attitudes can make major shifts in one’s happiness, William’s book can create many outward positive effects in careers, relationships and life in general.

For a great summer read, order a copy of The Four Factors of Happiness: Open In Case of Emergency by going to http://fullifebalance.com. By the way, during the month of June, 20 percent of book sales will be donated to the Police Activities League, serving the youth of Solano county.


William K. Wesley is a Full Life Balance author, transformational speaker, Top Performance Coach, corporate trainer and entrepreneur. He received his MBA and his JD (Doctor of Jurisprudence) from Golden Gate University in San Francisco, where he, as a professor, also taught Management Principles, Management Communication and Organizational Development for five years. William received his BS in Business from the University of San Francisco. He is an authority on productivity, communication, presentation training, networking and life balance and has been featured and quoted often.

William’s client list includes Kaiser, USAA, PG&E, NorthBay Healthcare, State Farm Insurance, T-Mobile USA, Rotary International, Meals On Wheels, Suisun City, and Solano County Office of Education. William was recently appointed as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Fairfield. He is also a certified Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) provider with the State Bar of California who delivers Competence training to attorneys. William created the Full Life Balance book and lifestyle. William just released the second book in the Full Life Balance series called, The Four Factors of Happiness: Open In Case of Emergency.

As an entrepreneur, William helped found and is Vice-President of Programs of Carter’s Biz Cafes, a start-up membership co-sharing, business event, idea-incubating firm.

William consulted with Laney College in Oakland, California to establish a first of its kind Men’s Center on campus. William is a former San Francisco Human Rights Commissioner and past Program Coordinator of San Francisco’s Summer Youth Employment Program.

William is a Rotarian and was named Rotarian Of The Year of the Fairfield-Suisun Rotary Club for 201-2017. He is a certified sailor who also enjoys sailing, reading, writing, playing tennis, golf and chess and spending time with his wife Linda and family.

Source: William Wesley, Full Life Balance

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