The First Physical Delivery in Commodity Market Through NSE

Nepal Spot Exchange (NSE) has facilitated the first ever trade in local agro commodity with physical delivery through pure order matching mechanism which is a first of its kind in the domestic commodities exchange industry.

Nepal Spot Exchange (NSE) has facilitated the first ever trade in local agro commodity with physical delivery through pure order matching mechanism which is a first of its kind in the domestic commodities exchange industry.

The immense research and untiring efforts put in by the warehouse team of the exchange has helped it execute a trade in potato between a Kavre and a Kathmandu based buyer and seller after the buy and sell quotes registered were matched through an offline mechanism, according to NSE.

The buyers and sellers are benefited by the transaction of quality goods at reasonable prices with well-defined and organized delivery facilities, said Nepal Spot Exchange.

"The team would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to its first buyer and seller of physical delivery mechanism for their trust and support in the new emerging concept and would also like to inform the stakeholders that the exchange will be very soon launching the online mechanism for physical delivery as well," it added.

Beside these contracts, the exchange facilitates trading in 21 contracts in its Roll Over and Futures Segment including currency trading in US dollar and Nepali rupee.

NSE is a professionally organized, structured and managed online commodity spot exchange marketplace, which facilitates easy market access to producers, traders, bulk dealers, and consumers to trade in a wide spectrum of commodities ranging from local agricultural products to bullion, industrial metals, and energy through an online trading platform.

Important Features of NSE:

NSE is dedicated to meet the customers' need - whatever their need may be. NSE leads the exchange trading industry forward in the country and NSE will be proud to be the market leader and is always committed to earn the reputation in Nepalese Market.
NSE is committed to offer the best trading experience, the most dependable trading platform under the best condition to all market participants.
NSE always strives to provide world class financial services and pushes forward to improve the quality of service to its clients.
NSE provides reliable mechanism for discovering spot price of commodities that can be used by market participants to trade in.
To promote grading and standardization of agricultural produces and create a market, where banks and money lending agencies can provide warehouse receipt financing to farmers and traders.

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About Nepal Spot Exchange Limited
