The Example Using A Website Network

Social Networks, we've all heard of them. It's not time for something silly and time-wasting. We have enough of that out there. It's time for your future. It's time to build, learn, and develop. It's time for a true website network. A "one for all an

Social Networks, we've all heard of them. It's not time for something silly and time-wasting. We have enough of that out there. It's time for your future. It's time to build, learn, and develop. It's time for a true website network. A "one for all and all for one" strategy that works for everyone online.

The following is an example, the names, website, and numbers, are not actual but the idea is true and worth any web owner's time.

The Kidawa Website Network approach to helping your online business, forum, hobby, blog, affiliate link, etc.

Ronnie sells calendars featuring his beautiful photography. He just had a new website built for his product and registered it under the domain name It's a long url but it's the best he could get or so his knowledge tells him. He puts all his images and content up and chooses to use the keywords "beautiful calendars" for SEO purposes. Of course any time someone searches "beautiful calendars" on Google, they find huge company websites and numerous small niche websites with outsourced product ads filling up the page, not Ronnie's.

He opens an account on a social network site like Twitter or Facebook to get more hits to his website. It helps a little but doesn't really drive much real traffic beyond the social network's platform. Now when people search his keywords on Google, at least a blog of his shows up along with his business's Facebook page. Better than nothing, since his official website is buried under hundreds of listings. Only websites that rank high and share his content are up, but they surround his product with unwanted layouts, design, logos, and a feel that just isn't his. Sure his Twitter account gets a lot of followers and he has a ton of friends on his Facebook page, but they just aren't his webpages and they don't even look close to his website's design. There is just nothing on the pages to motivate visitors to visit his website.

One day Ronnie comes across and has a free webpage built for him at It's easy to remember and helps with SEO since his keywords are in the url, and the best part is the webpage looks just like his website's homepage and all the links work the same. His new Kidawa webpage can be Google searched and directs visitors anywhere he wishes with no unwanted links.

Let's look at the numbers. has a Google pagerank of 1 and an Alexa position of 6,050,039. There is most likely no way his website will be found on any search engine by a casual prospect. There are only 10 backlinks supporting his pagerank. His webpage on the other hand, shares in the positioning and therefore has a pagerank of 5 with 250 backlinks and an Alexa positioning of 350,000. Wow that is much better and best of all, at no charge at all. Surely Ronnie's now getting an impressive number of visitors to his website.

Happy with his business he spreads word of his new and successful webpage by sharing his link. He even adds his Kidawa link to his business card. He is growing together with the website network. With his addition of 10 backlinks, Kidawa now has 260. Not only did he help his page but everyone else's on the Kidawa network as well. Imagine if every website owner did this, even if they only sent a couple backlinks to their webpage. That's hundreds of backlinks piled up all rewarding everyone's webpages. In addition to that, Kidawa's constant marketing adds its own healthy dose of backlinks.

What a way to start or boost a website. Kidawa is a new ground breaking yet simple strategy and for anyone interested in helping their online endeavor or looking to grow their own understanding and knowledge of online marketing and growth. What a resource and at zero of a cost.

Learn, develop, and grow. This was just an example of a sleeping giant that is soon to wake. Stay tuned to future informative articles targeting the details of the mentioned example.

Thank you for your time and treat yourself by listening or reading something motivational and/or educational and prepare for more strategies of a true one for all and all for one, website network.

11766 eaton
Broomfield, CO
