The Eustache Institute is Successfully Treating People Who Are Sleep Deprived and Suffer From Insomnia With Neurofeedback Therapy
LOS ANGELES, August 2, 2018 ( - Dr. Elena Eustache, the founder of the Eustache Institute, is successfully treating people who are sleep deprived and suffering from insomnia with Neurofeedback Therapy, a method by which a person is taught to retrain their brain by monitoring their brainwaves through an EGG machine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36 percent of adults don’t get an adequate amount of sleep, and over time, a person can become susceptible to many illnesses and diseases like heart disease/failure, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. Sleep deprivation can also slow down the production of collagen, which is a protein found in the skin, responsible for its firmness and strength, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, pale looking skin, puffy eyes and unwanted dark circles. Also, it’ll slow down a person’s metabolism, affecting the ability to maintain healthy body weight.
"For our bodies to operate efficiently, a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night is crucial to our health," says Dr. Elena Eustache. "I know for me, when I don’t get enough sleep, I become irritable, my mind feels foggy, focusing becomes impossible and my judgment is impaired. Several of my patients have experienced dramatic improvement mentally and physically after treatment, receiving the rest their bodies and mind have longed for, thanks to the long-lasting results of Neurofeedback therapy."
For our bodies to operate efficiently, a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night is crucial to our health.
Dr. Elena Eustache, Neurofeedback Therapy & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapist
There are various causes of sleep deprivation, for instance, a restless mind (worrying), night terrors, sleepwalking, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea and grinding teeth (bruxism), all contribute to a person’s inability to get enough zzz’s. Furthermore, the number one cause of sleep deprivation is a condition called Comorbid Insomnia, according to WebMD.
At the Eustache Institution, Dr. Elena Eustache provides a sleep assessment to patients suffering from insomnia and sleep deprivation, which helps to provide treatment effectively. Afterward, via Neurofeedback therapy, Dr. Eustache will monitor a person's brainwaves through an EGG machine, while they're engaged in a customized task designed to help analyze the changes in their sleep patterns. This method will enable them to increase their slow brainwave activity or to increase specific EEG activation that will eventually guide the brain to normalize sleep patterns.
About Dr. Elena Eustache
Dr. Elena Eustache is a specialist in neurofeedback therapy, with a Ph.D. in Psychology and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Dr. Elena Eustache helps her patients reach their full potential so they can live the life they've always dreamed. You can read more about neurofeedback therapy by visiting her blog. You may also find her on Instagram and Facebook.
About Eustache Institute
Eustache Institute, established in 2009, by Dr. Elena Eustache, specializes in treating neurological disorders with Neurofeedback therapy, Hyperbaric Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. The Eustache Institute also offers relationship and individual counseling. You can read more about the Eustache Institute by visiting
Eustache Media Relations
Source: Eustache Institute