The Era Of Facebook Optimization Begins With "The FBO"

Re-defining the trends in the online world, facebook has already started replacing the conventional Search Engine Optimization - SEO. Now it is the era of facebook optimization and the spark has already showed up as The FBO.

New York, NY ( ) October 8, 2010 - Facebook promotion is not a new concept anymore. As you see, there is no scarcity for the facebook fanpages. Savvy online marketers have already started adopting the shift of conventional web into the social media promotion. Facebook promotion is done by everyone extensively and it is not like the old days when folks were searching for guides on how to create facebook fanpages. Facebook promotion has crossed the limits of just having some cool fanpages.

When it comes to facebook promotion ( ) - they create facebook fanpages, the post regular informative updates to the facebook wall and they do everything that they know of. But according to the majority of folks doing facebook promotion, they are still clueless why the results of their promotion aren't showing up. Some even think that facebook promotion is just for the popular brands like coke (13,126,372 fans and counting) or celebrities like Vin diesel (16,241,079 fans and counting) or the music stars. But according to the social media marketing experts, a well optimized and maintained facebook fanpage can get countless numbers of fans (don't imagine nearing the figures of Coke or Vin Diesel though). The interesting fact is that almost 80% of these fans can be turned into potential clients/ leads to the business.

With such potential with facebook promotion, there are already signs that indicate the change of trend from SEO to FBO (termed as Facebook Optimization for the first time by a team of social media promotion experts). The countdown of starting the new FBO concept is ticking at the all new website "" ( ). Though there aren't many details about the services or the strategies, Facebook Optimization (FBO) looks promising to take the current facebook promotion of many businesses to the next level. The originators of this new abbreviation "FBO" standing for Facebook Optimization had just a few words to say. "Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around us for quite a long time now. As you see, the trend is shifting from regular search engines to the social media. It is obvious that people spend more time in facebook (almost 75% of their time online) than using the search engines. It is the reality that people have already started looking for stuff directly through facebook than using the search engines. The question is that how well the online businesses have optimized their facebook promotion through their fanpages to adopt the greatest trend change online ever? This is where 'The FBO' shows up. It is just 4 days to go for the start of the real Facebook Optimization (FBO) concept to ignite."

We remember the days when the search engine optimization (SEO) concept became huge getting the start as a tiny spark. Now FBO (facebook optimization) gets a kick start and with the fuel of high need for effective promotion, "The FBO" is expected to spread like a wildfire.

The clock is ticking and it is just days for the experts to unveil the facebook optimization strategies. But if you are eager to know more about the FBO as we are, check out where you can request just the more info right now.


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