"The Dual Tape 90": A Friendly Enhancement to an Already Existing Tool

Invents unveils "The Dual Tape 90" which is a specially designed apparatus that combines two extendable measuring devices in one convenient product.

​Everyone who has done carpentry or projects where measurements or ease of layouts can make the difference between success and failure will quickly see the benefits of the Dual Tape 90. It is a specially designed apparatus that combines two extendable measuring devices in one convenient product. The design intent of the Dual Tape 90 is to offer users a friendly enhancement to an already existing tool (a tape measure) that facilitates taking measurements in 90 Degree, dual directions at the same time.
This is a special measuring tool with the retractable tape measure coiled internally. It has a metal casing and is Mylar-coated for durability. It features a dual bracket, a metallic anchoring hook and ensures easy measurements on both elevated and flat surfaces. Televised test marketing has recently been completed indicating strong consumer interest in the Dual Tape 90.
The Patent Pending Dual Tape 90 was invented by George Kowalski of Crystal Lake, IL who said, “This is a tool no one will ever be without once it has been in a tool belt or bucket.  It is able to provide 90-degree, vertical and horizontal measuring at the same time. The ability to take two measurements at the same time is an advantage everyone has wished for and now will be available. It works.”

For More Information, Click HERE

EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Dept at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107—New York, NY.  Tel: 212-620-2629.  www.invents.com  

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue — Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123

CONTACT: Jeanne Nelson   Media Dept: 9135   Tel: 646-503-4817   Jeanne@invents.com  

About Invents Company

Invents Company takes new invention ideas that are merely sketches or concepts in an inventor's head and develops them into finished, marketable products.

Invents Company
450 7th Avenue Ste 1107
New York, NY

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