The Changing Financial Climate: a marcus evans interview with Siddharth Sharma

CHICAGO, IL - As the financial landscape becomes increasingly digitalized with customer expectations and consumption trends shifting, a wave of technology focused start-ups has disrupted the financial food chain by introducing innovative financial services and products to the market. Consumer banking has especially felt the impact with staples such as lending, payments, and wealth management facing disruption from the FinTech movement.

Originally viewed as competition, the established financial industry's outlook on the FinTech phenomenon has U-turned towards opportunity, hoping to widen digital presences and inject innovation into enterprises made cumbersome by regulation and legacy. Numerous strategies have emerged as banks and financial services firms with differing resources and organizational structures race to integrate these innovative products, services, and capabilities into their organization.

Ahead of the marcus evans Strategic Venturing & Partnerships Between FinTech and Financial Institutions Conference, taking place in New York City on January 25-26, 2017, where he will be speaking, Siddharth Sharma shared his expertise on how FinTech is changing the future of wealth management.


The Strategic Venturing & Partnerships Between FinTech and Financial Institutions Conference brings industry leaders together to discuss the varying means towards partnership and integration. Through expert led panels and case studies attendees will digest the latest in FinTech trends including: Blockchain, alternative lending, wealth management and crowdfunding platforms. Delegates will learn how changing consumer trends have ignited the FinTech movement and how these start-up's are changing finance and the world.

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