The Center for Diagnostic Imaging Emphasizes the Importance of Early Screening Mammography

In the United States, the continuing controversy over the best age to start 3D mammograms has put women younger than 50 years at significantly increased risk for delayed diagnosis, which leads to more extensive and costly treatment and affects the quality of life as well as the bottom line.

Eric Godreau, The Center for Diagnostic Imaging lead radiologist, counsels against women forsaking mammograms because of the potential risk of a false positive. "Avoiding mammograms because of a false positive could potentially lead to complications later on, including extensive therapy, surgery and chemotherapy."

Avoiding mammograms because of a false positive could potentially lead to complications later on, including extensive therapy, surgery and chemotherapy.

Eric Godreau, Radiologist

Godreau recommended that annual breast cancer mammograms or diagnostic mammograms are ideal for women starting at age 40. He added that in women at high risk, screening needs to start earlier.

However, in patients 40 to 49 years of age – for whom a mammogram remains optional – those who had never had a mammogram were diagnosed with a much larger tumor compared with those screened in the 24 months before diagnosis.

The Center for Diagnostic Imaging always recommends that women have regular mammograms so that their physicians can detect any occurrence of cancerous cells at a very early stage. This is the stage at which non-invasive treatments can usually get the cancer sufferer into remission. In order to have the scans done, a woman must find a convenient imaging center that complies with her physician’s standards. Many women in South Florida choose one of the CDI Miami offices, conveniently located in Aventura, North Miami Beach and South Dade.

Medical imaging can get expensive, so it is vitally important that patients find a center they can trust, where they know they will receive the best quality images that do not contain any errors. The South Florida CDI offices have the very latest imaging equipment available in every center. Fully qualified radiologists, experts at using the scanners and reading the results, are employed at every CDI location.

The Center for Diagnostic Imaging's facilities in North Miami Beach uses 3D mammography, an imaging technique that can detect breast cancer at a very early stage. An MRI scan can pinpoint disease centers in the body and these can be monitored on a regular basis for any changes, which could indicate future potential problems. People searching for a pet scan in Miami will find that CDI Miami comes highly recommended, based on the local popularity of the centers and the high quality of service offered at every location. CDI Miami even gives patients the option to have a full body CT scan. This will give the radiologists an entire map of what is going on inside the body so that potential disease can be detected. This information is then passed onto the patient’s physician. Any abnormalities that show up can then be treated immediately or monitored to check for any developments. So many people who end up with life-threatening illnesses and conditions could have been saved a lot of pain and anguish if they had been able to detect problems and treat them at a very early stage.

About CDI: The Center for Diagnostic Imaging is one of Miami's leading diagnostic facilities. With over 20 years of experience, CDI has successfully provided the best service and results in digital imaging and patient care.

The center is owned and operated by a team of board-certified physicians and staff determined to be South Florida's premier imaging series. CDI is dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of the community through the use of the most highly advanced technology and techniques currently available within the imaging industry. 

Source: Center for Diagnostic Imaging