The App Solutions Launches "MindPark" a New Outsourcing Company Brand

Wilmington, Delaware, November 27, 2015 ( - The App Solutions is launching a new brand for outsourcing software development. While, The App Solutions is specialized on the development of mobile apps, the new company will be a provider of a wider scope of software development technologies.
The scope of MindPark's software development services would be broad enough to suit the needs of large enterprise companies as well as startups with specific needs for backend software development, desktop applications, cloud solutions, Big Data, AI and large scale web applications.
This is a logical evolution step for our company like given our growth rate and the number of additional requests for various software development projects that we recieve from our clients and partners.
Alex Kharchyshyn, CEO of The App Solutions
"This is a logical evolution step for our company like given our growth rate and the number of additional requests for various software development projects that we recieve from our clients and partners." - says Alex Kharchyshyn, CEO of The App Solutions.
At initial stages, MindPark will be comprised of the team that will partly be transferred from The App Solutions. The core development team will be composed of but not limited to specialists in Ruby, Java, Scala, PHP, Python, Javascript and C/C++. The team will also be staffed with UI/UX specialists and Business Analysts.
The App Solutions ( is a mobile app development company. The company specializes in native mobile apps development, while also offering app design services, qualituy assurance, backend app development and business/marketing consultancy for it's clients. The company's R&D center in Kiev consists of 150+ specialists in various spheres of mobile app development.