The Amazon Kindle V Paper Back Book Give It A Look announces there launch of there site with a review of the all new Amazon kindle review they have a lot of experience of book reading announces there launch of there site with a review of the all new Amazon kindle review they have a lot of experience of book reading and have given the kindle a look over to see it good and bad points. There main part of the website is reviewing books but they have taken on the task of reviewing the Amazon kindle.

What makes them qualified to give the review well they have been reading paper back books for many years and have tested the Amazon kindle by reading full books on the kindle and using it on an every day experience and giving there kindle review.

The are marking the Kindle very hight and giveing it a very nice review as they feel it could be the end on paper back books no more sand in the pages when on the beach was one persons feeling when they tested the amazon kindle. So there is only one thing to do and thats head over to there website and read the review your self and see what you make of it.