The Addiction Advocates Begins Push to Review More Treatment Centers, Starting With Arizona

The Addiction Advocates has started a large push to become a source for quality rehab reviews and it is starting in Arizona. 

The Addiction Advocates is a website that provides an unbiased review of treatment centers around the country. The team at Addiction Advocates does the searching and reading for the reader so they can come to one place and get a quality understanding of what a treatment center offers. They also summarize the reviews of these facilities so people can quickly weed out bad centers. 

Starting with Arizona rehab centers, is creating content around many luxury inpatient treatment centers. However, that is where most review sites stop. Addiction Advocates goes beyond that by focusing on doctors offering suboxone to large facilities that offer the full continuum of care and accept AHCCCS insurance. 

"We feel that there are plenty of review sites about the high-dollar inpatient treatment centers, but what about those that need help and have Medicaid or want to enter an outpatient program? They just get 'give it try' and hope it works? We are aiming to change that, starting with Arizona," said Jessie Ashton - Senior Writer for Addiction Advocates. 

Source: The Addiction Advocates

About The Drug Rehab Agency

Addiction marketing agency offering digital marketing to drug rehab center across the United States. We also offer treatment consulting for those looking to open a treatment facility.

The Drug Rehab Agency
155 E. Boardwalk Dr , #400
Fort Collins, CO

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