The 8th World Marbles Championship Will Begin In Two Weeks

The 8th World Marbles Championship Will Begin In Two Weeks. People from all countries can participate in this event.

Only two weeks are remaining to the 8th World Marbles Championship which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, in July, 23th. People from all countries have the last chance to enroll on the Championship.

"We are aware there are many countries all over the world where are marbles played. We would like to invite all players to come to the Czech Republic and compete in the World Marbles Championship," says Petr Sejba, president of the Czech Marbles Federation.

Even though game of marbles is known as a children play, in the World Marbles Championship compete adults. Marbles tournaments are attended by all generations -- we can see to participate young people between 15 and 30 years as well as many middle-agers and people in the best age. In some countries were established national marbles federations with many clubs which organize local tournaments.

There are two parts of the game. In the first part, players throw all their marbles from the throwing line one by one. The goal of this part of the game is to throw the marbles as close to the hole as possible (or directly to the hole). The player who has more marbles in the hole or the players with the closest one starts the second part of the game. In this part, both players shoot the marbles using one finger to the hole. The players are changing in the game after every shoot. The player who puts all of them to the hole as first is winner of the game.

The tournament consists of two parts. In the first part, the players will compete in groups and the round robin system will be used. The best players from every group will continue in the second part of the tournament using the double elimination system.

The time schedule of the Championship:
09:30 - Training
10:00 - Registration
11:00 - Opening ceremony
11:20 - Start of the tournament
19:00 - Closing ceremony

More information about the tournament including the contact to the organizers can be found at the World Marbles Federation website - .