The 4th Annual Health & Wellness Experience Features the South Florida Center for H.O.P.E. - Sharing About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

The Center for H.O.P.E. will attend the 2017 Annual Health & Wellness Experience to share the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

The South Florida Center for H.O.P.E will host a booth at the 2017 Annual Health & Wellness Experience. H.O.P.E. specialize in a treatment known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). It has been proven to benefit people of all ages, suffering from a wide range of medical conditions. With a large selection of exhibiters knowledgeable on mental and physical health as well as environmentally sound lifestyle choices, this is an all-inclusive event.

The exhibition will take place on Saturday, March 18, 2017, at Mizner Park Amphitheater in Downtown Boca Raton from 10.00am – 4.00pm. The South Florida Center for H.O.P.E will provide information about the effects of hyperbaric therapy on Autism[H1] . On-sight medical professionals will be present to answer questions about the treatment and its potential, or conditions that HBOT could help alleviate.

We believe in the amazing progress that we see in our patients and we're excited to share more information about this treatment, and about our center. We're looking forward to all the people we'll meet during this year's Health and Wellness Experience.

Hope Fine, Clinical Director

HBOT has been successful in treating Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), particularly in young children. HBOT works to increase the circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body. The inflammation in the brain that causes ASD can be greatly reduced by allowing blood to flow freely via this safe treatment. To achieve this, the patient is exposed to 100% oxygen supply in a full-body chamber, allowing the therapy to work at a cellular level.  

HBOT is effective in reducing the symptoms of other conditions, such as those related to brain trauma, including brain damage from drowning. The therapy can also help with cancerous tumors and even dementia. Similarly, HBOT can help stroke survivors minimize the lasting side effects caused by the stroke and even recurrence. HBOT is also used to treat diabetic foot wounds, reducing the risk of the wound worsening, which can lead to amputation.

This is the 4th Annual Health & Wellness Experience, a free exhibition for people to engage with a wide range of professionals focused on providing information about healthy lifestyle choices. Exhibiters will share their knowledge on healthy choices for both the body, and the environment. From food and cooking demonstrations, environmental cleaning products, to medical health screenings such as BMI and glucose screening.

The South Florida Center for H.O.P.E. will provide an array of information on HBOT and ASD, and provide free foot screenings for diabetic foot wounds, which can be treated using HBOT. This is a key event for those interested in learning more about physical and mental health and aims to be both educational and empowering for those who attend. ​

Source: South Florida Center For H.O.P.E.

About H.O.P.E

Since 2001, South Florida Center for H.O.P.E. has offered state-of-the-art Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments at our conveniently located, free standing, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy center.