Texas' Newest Hunting & Fishing Company

Texas' One Stop Shop for Hunting and Fishing Guides & Outfitters.

Edel Outdoors (edeloutdoors.com) is the newest website designed to help people find the best places to hunt and fish across Texas.

Edel Outdoors connects people with hunting and fishing guides, allowing them to compare prices, pick the right trip and conveniently book and pay for the trip online. 

"We want to connect the guide with his ideal client so he and the customer can develop a relationship that will result in a lifetime of hunting or fishing together every year," said Edel. "Helping guides find lifelong clients is what we aim to do."

Michael Edel, CEO

Edel Outdoors founder Michael Edel hopes his innovative website will be a boost to hunting and fishing guides everywhere.

“We want to connect the guide with his ideal client so he and the customer can develop a relationship that will result in a lifetime of hunting or fishing together every year,” said Edel. “Helping guides find lifelong clients is what we aim to do.”

Edel Outdoors also has services that take all the work and hassle out of finding the perfect guide for your next trip. Simply decide what type of trip you are looking for and what your desired experience is for that trip is and Edel Outdoors will Match you with a guide that fits your criteria.

Edel Outdoors is Texas’ new one stop shop for hunting and fishing guides

Email: info@edeloutdoors.com                                  Phone: 1-800-303-3526

Source: Edel Outdoors

About Edel Outdoors™

The one stop shop for hunting and fishing guides and outfitters in Texas.

Edel Outdoors™

Houston, Texas