Ternio Issues Alert to Protect BlockCard Customers From Scams


Ternio, a global fintech platform built on blockchain, wants to warn its customers and potential customers of a number of bad actors impersonating Ternio products or team members. These bad actors use nefarious methods of social engineering to compromise users' accounts or mislead an individual into sending their personal funds to the bad actor. Details of these infractions are provided to local government authorities.

While the benefits of cryptocurrency are numerous - crypto enthusiasts must remain vigilant to ensure they’re not being scammed by people impersonating Ternio employees. BlockCard users and TERN cryptocurrency holders are regularly being contacted on popular social media platforms and potentially being put at risk. Due to the finality of cryptocurrency, it can be difficult or impossible to recoup funds from the defrauded user.  Scammers impersonating the Ternio team or BlockCard support team are not tolerated and dealt with swiftly. 

In an effort to protect consumers from Ternio and BlockCard related scams, Ternio has issued a set of guidelines.

  • Be suspicious of anyone who contacts you seeking cryptocurrency funds or personal information. Impersonators of the Ternio team and BlockCard Support exist in this global ecosystem. 

  • Do not give out personal or sensitive details, including your Social Security number and bank account information, to individuals over email, phone, or instant message. In addition, ensure to independently verify the authenticity of the person contacting you.

  • Verify the authenticity of all Ternio or BlockCard-related social media accounts that you interact with. 

  • Never send your BTC, ETH, TERN, or other cryptocurrency to anyone in return for offered “value-add” or “expedited” services

  • Verify the URLs and domains you interact with and always use two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect your BlockCard account. 

Unfortunately, this type of scam and impersonation isn’t new to cryptocurrency enthusiasts but may be more prevalent with Ternio and BlockCard’s growing popularity. An educated customer is a better protected customer. 

About Ternio:

Ternio is a global fintech platform built on blockchain. Ternio’s platform connects traditional enterprise, fintech, banking, systems with blockchain infrastructure giving real-world utility to digital assets. Our products, like BlockCard, enable instant remittance and the transfer of value on blockchain rails in a compliant and regulated environment.

Source: Ternio