Tempus-Rex Signs On As A California State Bar Affinity Program Partner

Tempus-Rex announces that it has been accepted as an Affinity Partner of the California State Bar.

Tempus-Rex is pleased and proud to announce that it has been accepted as a partner in the CalBar Connect Affinity Program. CalBar Connect gives California State Bar members and their families access to discounts and exclusive professional products and services.

California Bar members will now benefit from discounts on the Tempus-Rex mobile time capture application. Members of the California Bar can view the affinity program on the CalBar Connect web site by visiting http://calbarconnect.com/Services/Business/TempusRex.aspx. General information about Tempus-Rex can be found at www.tempus-rex.com.

Using Tempus-Rex on their Blackberry Smartphones will help California lawyers increase billing transparency and client satisfaction with more accurate and detailed time reporting. The T-Rex application will also reduce the frustration and inconvenience of time tracking by connecting to how members work. There is also a great opportunity to reduce lost revenue by capturing all relevant client and case information as activities occur.

Any phone call, e-mail, calendar entry or activity is captured as it happens, without disrupting workflow. For revenue conscious firms T-Rex is more than convenient time tracking; it is also a secure revenue management system. Managers and administrators can consolidate the time captured by all T-Rex users across their firm and view it on a daily basis.

For more information, and to download an immediate, no hassle free trial of Tempus-Rex in either English or French please visit www.tempus-rex.com and start capturing time that could have been lost forever.