TBM Made Partnership With 'Brussels SDG Summit 2018' Held With 'European Business Summit'

TOKYO, May 23, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Japanese Startup TBM Co., Ltd ("TBM") develops, manufactures and sells the paper and plastic alternative, LIMEX, in an effort to help save the planet. This new material is called ‘LIMEX’, which is mainly made from limestone, using almost no water nor no wood pulp. Limestone is an “almost inexhaustible” natural resource around the world.
Introduction of the Summit
EBS (European Business Summit)*1 is an event where EU committee, prime ministers, top executives and government officers discuss business strategies for bright future of the world. More than 1,800 opinion leaders join.
Brussels SDG Summit 2018*2 is held by CSR Europe*3 where the experts, practitioners, and policymakers will discuss SDGs related challenges and elaborate possible collaborative actions. The Summit is held on May 23rd.
*1 European Business Summit (EBS)
URL: http://www.ebsummit.eu
*2 Brussels SDG Summit 2018 URL: https://www.csreurope.org/brussels-sdg-summit-2018#.Wvu0jNPRCnY
*3 CSR Europe
CSR Europe is the leading business network for CSR, holding more than 10,000 companies. The member companies are advancing in CSR and they are such as TOYOTA, BASF, and Johnson & Johnson. It acts as a platform and a knowledge hub to support the companies’ innovations, collaborations, and sustainable development.
URL: https://www.csreurope.org
Partnership with "Brussels SDG Summit 2018"
TBM is now partnering with "Brussels SDG Summit 2018." The partnership has TBM supplying LIMEX sheets as the material for the conference's White Papers. Second, CEO of TBM, Mr. Yamasaki will make a speech at SDGs Roundtables Programme. The speech aligns with SDGs Goal 12: "Responsible Consumption and Production." TBM is planning to make more ecological use of natural resources cooperating with the networks, more than 10,000 companies in CSR Europe. The future goal of TBM is to contribute to achieving more sustainable and circulate economy with EU and expanding it to all over the world.
Today companies are expected to take actions against environmental issues to achieve SDGs by 2030. Microplastic pollution in the ocean led EU Commission to adopt a Europe-wide strategy to tackle plastic issues this January. By 2030 EU aims to achieve the society where people recycle all of the plastics. In order to solve plastic issues and realize sustainable development*4 TBM has been making efforts. For example, TBM has been strengthening the partnership with the leading companies to put LIMEX into practical use since TBM established its first plant of LIMEX. Moreover, TBM has been promoting upcycling*5 and developing biodegradable LIMEX*6 to realize a circular economy.
*4 sustainable development
LIMEX can make contributions to the following 9 goals of SDGs out of 17.
Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation
Goal 8. Decent work and sanitation
Goal 9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13. Climate action
Goal 14. Life below water
Goal 15. Life on land
Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals
*5 Upcycling
Upcycling is the process of converting discarded materials into the products of higher quality or value than the original. In case of LIMEX, used LIMEX sheet (paper alternative) is up-cycled into LIMEX pellet (plastic alternative). For example on IBSA Blind Football World Grand Prix 2018, TBM supplied the banners made with LIMEX sheets and will upcycle them into LIMEX pellet to make official goods such as iPhone cases.
*6 Biodegradable LIMEX
As of today, LIMEX is made mainly from limestone and partly from Polyolefin resin. In order to prevent further micro plastic issues from happening TBM is currently developing biodegradable LIMEX, made from 100% biodegradable materials; limestone and bio-based materials. This biodegradable LIMEX does not use any petrochemical resin. In the Summit, TBM will introduce the sample of this biodegradable LIMEX. Below is the photo of the sample biodegradable LIMEX.
TBM’s roles in the Summit:
TBM is invited to join "Brussels SDG Summit 2018", where more than 300 experts, practitioners, and policymakers will attend for creating better collaborations. TBM plays the following two roles.
1. White Paper distributed in the Summit is printed on LIMEX sheet.
CSR Europe and PwC will release a new White Paper based on surveys examining the collaborative projects to achieve the SDGs Goals. This White Paper is printed on LIMEX sheet, with the support of TBM’s partner, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd TBM and Toppan Printing signed an MOU for joint development in 2016. The two companies are working together to market LIMEX. For example, at one of the largest exhibitions for the environment in Japan, "EcoPro", hosted by Japan's Environmental Management Association for Industry and Nikkei Inc. The two companies have introduced LIMEX and its contribution to SDGs. Executive summary of the White paper will be distributed on 23rd and the full version will be distributed after the Summit.
2. CEO of TBM, Mr. Yamasaki will make a speech at SDGs Roundtables Programme.
on SDGs roundtable challenge to discuss on SDGs Yamasaki will make a speech on Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). The discussion is on how to sustainably manage raw materials. He will explain the cases of upcycling and biodegradable LIMEX products.
URL: https://www.brusselssdgsummit.org/roundtables-programme
Future prospect
Today the EU focuses on recycling, utilization of the waste, innovation, and contribution to the world outside of EU. LIMEX can strongly contribute to these four focus areas of EU. LIMEX enables to achieve "local production for local consumption and local upcycling."
TBM proposes the upcycling of LIMEX in countries with mature recycling infrastructure. In countries where such recycling infrastructure is not yet developed or for single use applications, TBM will propose biodegradable LIMEX. By replacing plastic with biodegradable LIMEX, TBM can achieve the following two goals: Goal 13 (Climate action) and Goal 14 (Life below water). Furthermore, we will work with CSR Europe to contribute to the circular economy and eco-friendly policies led by EU.
Introduction of the new material "LIMEX"
[What is LIMEX?]
LIMEX is made mainly from limestone. It is economical and ecological new material that can substitute for paper and plastic.
TBM was chosen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry to be one of the Innovation Base Promotion Businesses to be aided by "Subsidy for Advanced Technology Demonstration and Evaluation Facility Development."
Patent Approval for self-made stone paper in Japan. International patent applications have been approved or await approval in 43 countries.
Construction of Shiroishi Plant was completed. (Shiroishi city, Miyagi)
The capacity of Shiroishi Plant is 6,000t annually.
TBM received The Social Impact Award by Plug and Play Tech Center, and TBM is the first organization to receive the awards in history.
TBM was selected as one of the five top companies to participate in the Innovation Showcase of Japan-US Innovation Awards program.
[ Paper alternative (LIMEX sheet)]
One ton of paper is made from around 20 trees and 100 tons of water while LIMEX uses almost no water and no trees. One ton of LIMEX paper is made from 0.6~0.8 tonnes of limestone and 0.2~0.4 tonnes of polyolefin resin.
※Japanese Paper manufacturers not only consume trees but plant trees overseas for sustainability.
※If used LIMEX sheet is to be disposed of, as it is categorized as combustible waste, and cannot be recycled with paper.
[ Plastic alternative (LIMEX pellet)]
・While conventional plastic is made from petroleum-derived resin, LIMEX pellet is made mainly from limestone. LIMEX pellet can reduce the amount of petroleum-derived resin used.
・Compared with petroleum-derived resin limestone costs lower.
・LIMEX sheet can be upcycled to LIMEX pellet.
[ Deposits of limestone]
・Limestone is self-sufficient in Japan.
・Limestone is abundant around the world.
■ TBM Co., Ltd
CEO: Yamasaki Nobuyoshi
Head: Office 2-7-17-6F, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Founded: 2011
Capital: 6.08 billion yen (Including legal capital surplus)
Business description: Development, manufacturing, and sale of LIMEX and LIMEX products
URL: https://tb-m.com/en/ URL: https://www.tb-m.com
Takayuki Sasaki, Shun Sasaki,
Corporate Communication division, TBM Co., Ltd
TEL: +81-3-3538-6777
FAX: +81-3-3538-6778
Email: infomail@tb-m.com
Source: TBM Co. Ltd