TapCol - World Wide Phone (WWP) for Everybody - Anywhere to Anywhere Voice Call Without Anything

Coming soon TapCol is the World's First Patent-protected (US10623451) Voice Solution Allowing Customer to Use Voice Call from Website, WebView and inside Chat Window Without Installing & Switching to Any VOIP Apps
TapCol - Web Calls

Resolving customer queries is set to get a lot easier following the coming soon TapCol, the first voice solution that allows customer support agents to call customers inside a chat window and allow customers to make calls from the website.

Let's face it, web chats can be tedious and not everyone can express themselves clearly in web chats. TapCol is a VOIP button for anywhere voice communication. Calls are launched within chat or from websites with just one click. There is no need for installations and calls are fully digital. All that is required is a microphone on the device.

With TapCol agents can share voice call interface to customer or website visitor. The customer or website visitor has the option to select "Answer the call" button and voice call with agent within the live chat conversation with agent. Conversely, visitors can also launch calls from the company website or app. Nevertheless, TapCol puts the customer support agents in control by allowing them to decide whether or not the voice interaction will enhance the experience, and choose which customers can initiate a call.

Businesses can scrap their international telephone lines for the TapCol VOIP service which gives customers the option of calling within live chats. Businesses can easily replace all their displayed international numbers with a unique smart call button. TapCol web calls are free for customers anywhere in the world. Best of all is that connection is immediate. This means there is no voice menus are annoying transfers. The web call service is completely confidential and there is no need for sharing phone numbers.

Explaining how TapCol can help businesses Creator of TapCol, Yogesh Rathod said: "TapCol helps you take customer experience to a completely new level: having a real conversation is effortless. The service is affordable and one of the best ways to boost conversion with customers worldwide."

Far from the average web call service, TapCol boasts a patented plug and play embedded, shareable and customizable VOIP button for websites, apps and in-message or in-content, without the need to download, install, register and switch to compatible one or more VOIP apps. But that's not all. Plans are afoot to create a TapCol App for even greater accessibility. 

New Instant Messenger App - Within chat conversation, instead of typing long and complex message or response message, share call interface to allow make call or short call and both converse and again start chat conversation. In-chat conversation allowing voice call for faster, clear, responsive messaging.

Web: http://tapcol.com

Media contact: Yogesh Rathod

Email: contact@tapcol.com

Source: TapCol