Tanaza Launches Advertising With Rotation Feature on Wi-Fi Authentication Pages

Milan, Italy, November 11, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Tanaza releases a new feature to help businesses promote their brands and products and improve the customer engagement. Through Tanaza Wi-Fi Authentication Splash Page, which now includes the latest advertising with rotation feature, clients are automatically shown the business' rotating advertisements before they log in through their personal devices to be connected to a public WiFi hotspot.
Tanaza developed this latest addition to facilitate small and medium enterprises to self-promote through the deployment of the Tanaza hotspot. This approach is cost-effective, requires no coding skills and no maintenance effort. Furthermore, the advertising can target prospect and existing customers in an extremely precise way, inviting them to visit a website, do social actions like a Facebook Post or Like or Check-in, download an application, view a video, or install an application.
"The Tanaza WiFi Splash Page incorporates free promotion of products and service and free social engagement tools onto the multi-language, branded, responsive splash pages."
Sebastiano Bertani, CEO, Tanaza
The new Tanaza feature can create new revenue streams for media companies and advertising agencies, as well. Wi-Fi is a powerful and high-ROI channel to drive advertising campaigns with time-based and location-based intelligence. "Tanaza makes me feel that my dreams and projects are possible to be done" declared a Tanaza Partner in the Middle East "I can now create a huge advertising network of public Wi-Fi hotspots, managing through the cloud devices that are installed throughout the whole country".
By advertising products and services through engaging images and videos on multiple external splash pages, the promotion can target a huge market in a cost-effective way, without paying a fortune for a PPC campaign on Google Adwords or Facebook Ads.
"The advertising with rotation extension enables a business to promote its own product and services, or an external product and service, supported by the upload of video and image publicity." says Sebastiano Bertani, Tanaza CEO "Tanaza's super-easy to use advertising with rotation feature can integrate one or multiple URLs for two types of media advertising, image and video; it also enables settings that control ad duration and two types of display rotation: time-based and random. You deploy your network of Tanaza Powered Access Points, and you don't have any additional cost for advertising. Unlike expensive services like Google Adwords, the Tanaza WiFi Splash Page incorporates free promotion of products and service and free social engagement tools onto the multi-language, branded, responsive splash pages."
Whether a company is looking to generate new leads, boost revenues and expand its business through image and video promotions, it can be done intergrating the social Wi-Fi strategy with Tanaza's new advertising feature on the Wi-Fi splash page.