Tame Stress Through the Get Well Project's Unique Writing Method

New Book Provides Readers Tools to Thrive Despite Life's Challenges

Susan Ives McCollum and Diane Hartingh Price

​​​Everyone wants to tame this tension and the simple truth is, they don't know how to do it. “Write Your Stress Away: Tame The Tension In Your Life” (Rowman and Littlefield, ISBN: 978-1538117989), the extraordinary new book by TheGetWellProject.com's Diane Hartingh Price and Susan Ives McCollum is the place to start. The book introduces readers to the revolutionary Write to Be Well ™ four-step writing method, proven to bring relief from stress and optimize health. The book describes the research behind the stress, health and writing connection, guides readers on how to use the integrated writing method, includes compelling true-life stories from Write to Be Well ™ users, and arms everyone with a unique tool to combat stress now and into the future.

Stress, whether an unconscious undercurrent in life or a rampage of emotions, can undermine an individual's health and well-being if they let it. With the news barraging people with impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States, the deadly coronavirus rampaging through China, and people getting more and more illnesses every year in the United States, there has to be a way to stem the tide of the seemingly never-ending stressors in life.

Write Your Stress Away!™ is an integrated four-step writing method using expressive writing, affirmative writing, action scripting, and reflective writing - all based on 100+ years of research from leading experts in the fields of stress, writing, health, and behavior change. The writing method leads people through a series of simple prompts and reflections to both minimize the impact of stress on their lives. There is no need to be concerned about spelling, punctuation or grammar. The writing is for the individual's eyes only, unless they choose to share it with another person.

The steps in the integrated method are:

STEP ONE: WRITE YOUR STORY begins where an individual describes their thoughts and feelings surrounding the stressful situation, real or perceived, that they are experiencing. After reflecting on these stories, they write what they've learned about themselves and their situation.

STEP TWO: AFFIRM A STRESS-LESS FUTURE to identify what matters. With these values as the foundation, then an individual can write a future story and create an affirmation to say what they want to do, be or achieve.

STEP THREE: PLAN TO UNRAVEL STRESS guides action scripting a plan using SMART goals to achieve this future story and its affirmation.

STEP FOUR: REFLECT and COMMIT TO DE-STRESS guides an individual in honestly assessing their readiness to move forward with commitment and confidence in realizing their plan to Get Well, Be Well, Stay Well.

"The Write to Be Well™ method presented in ‘Write Your Stress Away, Tame the Tension in Your Life’ is a powerful tool to help readers assess and address their stress in a meaningful way. It is not necessary to be a writer or to enjoy writing to benefit from the Write to Be Well™ method and unlock your innate ability to understand and tackle the core issues that are maintaining stress and preventing healing.” -Michael O. Citron, MD, FoundationMED

The benefits of the Write to Be Well™ method are:

Preventing Disease, Promoting Health

  • Improves coping with stress and life changes.

  • Supports one in achieving an action plan.

Managing Acute and Chronic Illness

  • Leads individuals to self-acceptance about their condition.

  • Aids in creating a healthy lifestyle to improve health.

Reducing the Stress of 21st-century Living

  • Clears the muddled mind and helps achieve focus.

  • Helps to name the emotions associated with experiences.

  • Empowers readers to explore their options

  • Helps readers organize their thoughts into actionable plans.

Supporting Behavior Change

  • Serves readers in aligning values with the desired change.

  • Supports commitment to modify habits.

  • Assists in seeing obstacles and minimizing resistance to change.

Writing is a proven release for stress whether readers recognize its impact or not. It resets an individual's emotional, physical and spiritual equilibrium. Through writing, readers will uncover killer emotions, reframe their health goals, and find new ways to optimize health and to recharge their lives. It's proven: writing heals stress, trauma, and emotional pain. It leads to improved health, improved outlook and improved well-being.

Diane Hartingh Price, MSOD, is a veteran consultant to major organizations, executive coach, and is a Duke trained Integrative Health Professional. She observes the transformative power of writing in the lives of individuals, groups and organizations in her work. She currently lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Susan Ives McCollum, MS, is a licensed professional counselor who uses therapeutic writing to empower clients to overcome personal challenges and embrace a life of health and well-being. In her work, Sue witnesses the universal healing power of writing, which opens writers to life-changing possibilities. She resides today in Northern Virginia.

The authors, co-creators of TheGetWellProject.com, are passionate about sharing Write to Be Well™ as a beneficial tool whether for understanding and changing behavior caused by stress and emotional trauma or for developing and maintaining practices to support desired, optimal health. Their book, Write Your Stress Away, Tame the Tension in Your Life is dedicated, “For all people in the world, may they find, wellness and healing from stress. Write on!”

More information on Diane and Susan's Get Well Project is available at

https://www.thegetwellproject.com - Write Your Stress Away is available at better bookstores nationwide and online book retailers.


Bob Newman (617) 952-1470


Source: The Get Well Project