Surge Connections' Tips for Leadership Skills Development

The team at Surge Connections regularly trains to develop an array of skills, with leadership given special emphasis. The firm's director discussed the traits required to be an effective leader.

“It may seem as if some people are born with the innate ability to lead,” said Austin, Surge Connections’ director of operations. “That isn’t usually the case, however. Leadership requires nonstop learning and great effort. Clearly, it’s about far more than filling a managerial role.”

Austin explained that every new hire who joins the Surge Connections team is expected to grow into an accomplished leader. The firm’s career track provides a rigorous learning system through which individuals progress with guidance from an experienced coach. As they acquire and sharpen their skills, they advance to positions with greater responsibilities.

"Our avenue of growth can be adjusted to meet the unique needs of each of our people,"

Austin , Director of Operations

“Our avenue of growth can be adjusted to meet the unique needs of each of our people,” Austin stated. “After all, everyone is different – and they learn differently. Some have trouble in social situations, yet excel when it comes to research and planning. Others struggle with delegation but communicate beautifully.”

“I must say that our office atmosphere is a great place to sharpen leadership skills,” Austin indicated. “Everyone is upbeat and supportive. They already treat each other with utmost respect and provide superior customer service. Our new additions need only to look around them to understand what is expected of them.”

Surge Connections’ Leader Reports on Recruitment Efforts

Surge Connections is expanding at a rapid pace. Austin credits the focus on leadership for the firm’s success, and announced that he is recruiting ambitious professionals to help meet rising demand for the team’s dynamic outreach services. “Our competitive and empowering work culture is like no other,” he continued.

According to Austin, candidates for the company’s sales and marketing roles are only required to be willing to learn, goal focused, and positive. “Our techniques are quite unique, so I don’t expect applicants to have much experience in the field,” he indicated. “Our training program equips all our people with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.”

“Again, we aren’t just looking for people to fill open positions,” Austin continued. “Every role in our firm was designed to position people for movement into leadership status. Why wouldn’t we invest heavily in the people who will propel our company into the future? Every one of them is full of potential, and I’m honored to play a part in their success.”

About Surge Connections

Surge Connections leverages experiential marketing techniques to develop attention-grabbing campaigns that deliver results. Through a combination of research, planning and execution, the firm’s team of executives are able to transform brands into highly visible consumer experiences that promote front-of-mind awareness and earn customer loyalty. This means that companies that select Surge Connections to represent them can rest assured, knowing their growth goals will be accomplished through the development of repeat business.