Superior, Inc. Builds Team Through Travel Incentives

Superior, Inc.'s director of operations highlighted a few of the overlooked benefits of business travel. She also discussed a few of the travel incentives that company leaders provide for their team members.

“Here at Superior, Inc., we are very aware of the practical benefits of team travel,” declared Charleen, the firm’s director of operations. “When our team attends industry conferences and seminars, they return to the office with a few new tricks up their collective sleeve. Along with fresh insights, our people also make helpful contacts when they travel. These new connections often lead to amazing opportunities down the line.”

"It's easy to get lost in your own routines and work habits,"

Charleen , Director

Charleen and the rest of the Superior, Inc. leadership also knows that business travel provides some underrated advantages. The director explained, “Team members grow closer socially when they travel to a new destination. You can work beside someone in an office for years without ever learning much about his or her private life. During a business trip, you get the chance to make personal connections and appreciate your colleagues’ unique qualities and talents. With a fresh outlook on your own work and your teammates’ talents, fresh ideas emerge.”

Successful business trips are also major confidence boosters for professionals. “It’s easy to get lost in your own routines and work habits,” Charleen added. “When you venture away from your comfort zone, meet new people, and take a different view of your work, you never know what amazing things you can achieve. It’s a great feeling when a trip goes well, and our people always seem to come back to work feeling energized and revitalized.”

Superior, Inc.’s Director of Operations Details the Firm’s Travel Offerings


The Superior, Inc. team takes part in a wide range of industry events. Charleen said, “We attend conferences and seminars throughout the year. These gatherings offer a variety of developmental benefits, and an abundance of networking opportunities. Our team routinely brings back valuable new insights into market trends and research methods from industry events. Not only that, they also return with new contacts that often result in lucrative partnerships. Sometimes these contacts pay off immediately, and sometimes the benefits emerge months later.”

Company leaders are also excited about their upcoming rest and relaxation retreat. “We have this event every year, and it’s always a blast,” added the director. “Right now, our people are vying to see who gets to attend this year’s getaway. They want to take advantage of the exotic setting and networking potential offered by the retreat. I can’t wait to announce who will be coming along for the ride.”


About Superior, Inc.

Superior, Inc. is a marketing and consulting services firm that specializes in event-based promotions. This approach is designed specifically to develop repeat business and customer loyalty, leading to measurable bottom-line results for each client. The firm’s team of marketing managers engages personally with every client’s customers in order to add energy and character to each brand they represent. Their history of success has given the firm a broad portfolio of clients both large and small. For more information, please visit