Study Shows US Rate of At-Work Injuries Higher Than Normal in June: ODG Law

Workers Compensation Attorneys and Lawyers in Los Angeles at ODG Law Group

ODG Law, a law firm that handles workers compensation cases involving injuries due to repetitive job duties, injuries at work, and similar injuries, always asks workers and their employers to be careful. In the summer months, that can be more important, as a study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the most at-work injuries occurred during the summer months, June, July and August.

In the study, these months had the highest numbers of injuries per day. Those numbers were all higher than the monthly average. Seven years worth of research was used in putting these numbers together. Of those injuries, the highest number, by far, was classified as “sprains, strains and tears.” They accounted for 40.4 percent of injuries. No other injury type was higher than 11%.

“Workplace safety is always critically important, but in the summer months, it might be more important than ever. When it gets hotter, it can feel like pushing yourself and ‘working through it’ are good ideas, but you always have to be conscious of your own safety. In California, if you’ve been injured on the job while doing your job, you most likely will qualify for workers’ compensation. Should you be injured on the job, during the summer or any other season, we can help,” said Julie Oktanyan of ODG Law Group.

The ODG Law Group represents workers who have been injured on the job, including incidences of workplace shootings, traumatic brain injury at work, head trauma and more – they have helped clients recover a large total of injury damages.

For more information about workplace safety, workers compensation attorneys, or to make a press inquiry, contact the ODG Law Group at 100 W. Broadway #900 Glendale, CA 91210 (818) 975-3080 or visit

Source: ODG Law Group

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