Studio Lugh Commercial Photography Studio Now Serving The E-commerce Market In The Midlands

Studio Lugh is a unique commercial still life advertising studio in County Longford. It caters to the needs of web designers, graphic designers, manufacturers, SMEs and retailers by providing high quality illustrative photographs of their products.

The Irish e-commerce market is worth an estimated €400m annually. However, most Irish companies do not trade online. With 40% of consumers intending to make more online purchases in 2013, Irish retailers cannot afford to ignore this market.

Everyone knows about the state of the Irish economy: austerity, excessive debt, high unemployment, etc. But Ireland has regained competitiveness, with generally positive growth deriving from a strong contribution of net exports, the apparent bottoming-out of the housing sector correction and its continued ability to attract foreign direct investment according to Moody's.

Business performance indicators hint at growth: sales and orders are increasing, exports are increasing and so too is employment creation. Manufacturing output increased for the tenth successive month in February, with the modest expansion broadly in line with that seen in the previous month. New orders returned to growth in February, following a marginal reduction in January. That said, the rate of expansion was only slight. Meanwhile, new export orders were broadly unchanged after rising slightly in the previous month. Data suggested that the rise in production partly reflected backlog depletion. Outstanding business decreased for the twenty-fourth successive month, and at a much faster pace than recorded in January.

Philip O'Sullivan, chief economist at NCB Stockbrokers has said: "The latest NCB Republic of Ireland Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index shows a pick-up in the rate of growth of the manufacturing sector in February, with the headline PMI improving to 51.5 from January's 50.3 outturn. "Within the data we see that New Orders made a welcome return to growth after sliding into negative territory for the first time in 12 months in January. Panellists reported signs of strengthening demand and the securing of new clients. New Export Orders rose, albeit marginally, for a fifth successive month."

Fergal O'Brien, IBEC chief Economist , says: "Consumer spending and business investment made a positive contribution to growth in the second half of last year. CEOs expect this trend to continue into 2013. The Irish economy is clearly re-balancing and it is very positive to see the sentiment readings for both domestic and export activity in positive territory in the first quarter of this year."

So it would seem consumers are spending a little more and manufacturers are cranking up their production lines again because they have sold out of merchandise...

Studio Lugh naturally welcomes these developments. There seems to be a way out of this economic crisis. Irish business needs new markets. Online retailing, or e-commerce, provides a cost-effective sales boost for all retailers and manufacturers thereby creating employment and tax revenue.

Make your product shine in time, sell online!