Stroz Friedberg Revolutionizes Privileged Document Review

Intelligent Privilege Filter Boosts Productivity and Accuracy of Privilege Review

New York, NY, Oct. 23, 2009- Stroz Friedberg, a leading provider of advanced electronic discovery solutions, has added an industry-first, the Intelligent Privilege Filter, to Stroz Discovery's technology platform. Building on its patent-pending advanced text analytic tools, Stroz Friedberg moves beyond traditional keyword searches, such as inside and outside attorney names, to provide counsel with a more comprehensive, reliable, and cost-effective method of identifying and reviewing potentially privileged documents during litigation. Recent court decisions have recognized the limitations of traditional keyword searches and have acknowledged the perils of using unreliable methodologies during eDiscovery, particularly with respect to privilege reviews, as in Victor Stanley, Inc. v. Creative Pipe, Inc., 250 F.R.D. 251 (D. Md. 2008). By harnessing the power of Stroz Discovery's proprietary targeted data extraction and subjective coding technologies, the privilege filter:

• identifies various types of potentially privileged documents
• folders such documents into categories to prioritize review
• highlights the terms, phrases, or data which led the filter to designate each document as privileged
• provides an automated rationale for the basis of the privilege
• permits customized tagging, including bulk, email thread, and document family tagging, and escalation to second-level review
• automatically exports a privilege log
• creates an audit trail, and
• enables the reviewer to quickly retain, override, or modify the filter's automated designations.

Stroz Discovery's Intelligent Privilege Filter incorporates sophisticated search technologies that target key textual features of privileged documents to refine the search process, while identifying the universe of potentially privileged documents for manual review. By classifying all such documents into recognizable patterns, highlighting key sections of the document, and ranking the likelihood of privilege, reviewers can significantly accelerate the review process, while simultaneously increasing the confidence level and defensibility of their determinations.

The Intelligent Privilege Filter was developed by Stroz Friedberg's Advanced Technology group under the direction of Managing Director Michael Sperling, Ph.D., who has been creating innovative technology for document management and eDiscovery for over twenty years.

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