Streamline Funnel System Eliminates Human Error, Stimulating Online Marketing Success

Every online business starts out with the tremendous potential for success. Whether that success thrives and grows or withers before it has the chance to bloom isn't determined by the products or services you're offering, but by the people you ha

How far could your business grow if you could take away the one thing that's been holding it back?
Every online business starts out with the tremendous potential for success. Whether that success thrives and grows or withers before it has the chance to bloom isn't determined by the products or services you're offering, but by the people you have sitting at the wheel. In order for businesses to truly grow in the coming era of Web 3.0 they're going to have to first take away the element of human error that's dragging them back down.
That's precisely what businesses are accomplishing with the Streamline Funnel System.
"[Paul Birdsall] spent 14 months and $92,000 in software development to create a fool proof, completely automated money making machine that can make you an online fortune," says Streamline Funnel System affiliate John Wagg. "[It's] revolutionary Web 3.0 marketing technology [that] will revolutionize the Internet."
Work once, make money over and over again. Sound familiar? At the heart of any online business success is the ability to build residual income, working once and continuing to reap the benefits for years afterward. The Streamline Funnel System helps companies do precisely that by showing them how to use new Web 3.0 technology, which is going to transform search engines into virtual personal assistants, to stimulate growth in their business-without depending on the ability of sales associates to seal the deal.
"It isn't the ability to generate interest, it's their ability to transform that interest into solid leads that holds businesses back," says Wagg. "See how people like you are simply plugging into Paul Birdsall's brand new Streamline Funnel System and earning as much as $1,000 to $10,000 a week from home."
The Streamline Funnel System completely eliminates personal selling, convincing and explaining, wipes out the need to buy leads, make cold calls and sell to friends and family and decimates Mickey Mouse home based businesses designed to profit the creator (and no one else). And with this unique marketing system companies don't have to spend hours and dollars learning, studying, testing, applying and re-testing Web 2.0 social media and PPC marketing methods.
It's simple, easy and effective, taking success out of the hands of Lady Luck and putting it firmly back in the hands of online business owners where it belongs.
For more information on the Streamline Funnel System and how it can help your online business, go to