Story Behind Most Popular Indian Social Networking Website

Agryd is an Indian Social Networking Website with more than 5 lakh registered users within 6 months of its launching.

A lot of people are familiar about the most popular Indian Social Networking Website 'Agryd'. Many of them might be having account on it but very few of them the real story behind the making of this biggest Indian Social Networking Portal. The picture revolves around two engineering students Rajesh & Amit who are the Co Founders of Agryd. One evening both were having dinner along the roadside and discussing about their future. Both of them were much tensed about their job opportunities after their graduation. They don't want themselves to be among the crowd who work from dawn to dusk for earning their livelihood. They had a dream to be entrepreneurs. The duo shared a lot of ideas to start with and their discussion continued till wee hours. At last both of them concurred to become 'Desi Zukerberg'. The duo decided to launch a social networking website for Indian Community.

Amit being a sound programmer started developing this website. It took around 70 days to bring up the final product. It was Feb 5, 2013 when both of them launched their Indian Social Networking Website. They took care of all the ingredients which should be in a social portal. They provided all the major features like information sharing, music, videos, blogging, polling, forum, events, conferencing chatting and lots more. They introduced and exceptional feature of sending free gifts to their friends. The website got a tremendous response of public and within first three months of launching 2 lakh people got connected with Agryd. The website was running on a shared hosting environment so the extreme traffic brought the server down. Now, the duo had to go for a dedicated hosting wich was beyond their pockets could afford. Suffering from the financial catastrophe, they met with Puneet Daga. They told him about everything and requested him to support funding. On being from an affluent family Puneet agreed to invest on Agryd.

Very soon they erected a company with name Agryd Softech Pvt. Ltd. and started hiring people for designing, development and SEO of their Indian social networking website. In september 2013, their team grew to 8 people and website reached new heights. At the end of September 2013, there were 5 lakh registered users. Average daily visitors were more than 1 lakh. They speeded up their promotional activities by sponsoring in events, running ads in cinema halls, advertisings on billboards and ads in local daily.

Company is also working over mobile version and android application of website which is going to be released in January 2014. There would be some special features in android mobile application like Location Alarm, Speedometer, and Friend Finder. At present, website is having zero earning, so the directors decided to receive advertisement on website so that they can at least meet their monthly expenses. In order to get Agryd promoted over to an international level they are in need of huge funding so the Directors Amit, Rajesh and Puneet are planning to bring an IPO in market to get some more investors. Might they get some investors as it is one of the fastest growing Indian social networking website.