Startup Speed Boost Website Helps the Average PC User

The new website, Startup Speed Boost, has officially opened. The website provides users with information, guides, and downloads to improve their computer's start speed.

In many households, things are about to get a lot faster. Startup Speed Boost has officially launched it's pilot website, The new website, geared towards average and novice computer users, is presented in a blog format, with each post providing new techniques to improve boot up times.

"A lot of people settle for a slow, sluggish start-up time," explained the Startup Speed Boost team in an official statement. "People won't stand for slow programs, crashes, or glitches in their software - but they seem to view time-consuming start-ups as a permanent problem." Judging by the resources on the Startup Speed Boost website, this certainly does not have to continue.

A quick rundown of the still nascent website includes downloads for automatic optimization software, technical information on boot-time processes, simple steps for a quick jump in speed, and advanced procedures, for more dramatic changes. "No one wants to wait for their computer - they want to get on with their life," the statement went on, "Startup Speed Boost makes your computer just a little easier, and just a little faster."

Future plans for the website will involve expanded write-ups on various Windows operating systems, up to and including Windows 7. The downloads section will also grow, as new software is found and reviewed.

About Startup Speed Boost
