Star Trek science: Warp drive stops being just science fiction

One of the greatest brainchild of the creators of the popular series and film series Star Trek, Warp Drive, is not impossible that one day could easily cross the mythical line between science fiction and real, applicable science.

The problem of space travel has always been to find a speedy and efficient propulsion for aircraft, and while some believe that it would one day pose a drive that would allow travel at light speed, within our three spatial dimensions and the dimensions of time itself, there is a thought that space-time Continuum maybe I can travel.

Move the space and time, and no spacecraft

"The idea is that you take a piece of space-time continuum and move it. Spacecraft within the time-space bubble would have the impression that it does not move. Instead of that, moved to the space-time continuum in which it is located" said Marc Mills, NASA's former head of Project Breakthrough Propulsion Physics.

What's even more amazing with this assumption, is the assumption that scientists are such things but could happen, because according to some models of the Big Bang (Big Bang), space-time continuum moved faster than the speed of light, just after the Big Bang. "If it was possible then, why should it not be possible for our interstellar drive?" Concluded Mills.

It is not impossible but will require revolutionary discoveries in the fields of energy and propulsion

"If you find some way to the space-time and its properties out of the balance, in a way that it makes one thing in front of the aircraft, and quite another behind, then the difference is pushing the craft," says Mills, adding that the idea was first 1994th The proposed physicist Miguel Alcubierre.

Except that in order for this type of facility was needed very high energy, which make a piece of space-time continuum moved faster than light speed, it would need a truly revolutionary discoveries in the field of propulsion and the energy. Some experts believe the key lies in the mysterious force called dark energy, which is believed to drive accelerating expansion of the universe.

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