SR&ED Update: Learn How to Receive Tax Credits at IT360 Conference & Expo

Tax credits are increasingly important during this economic environment. MEUK Corporation, leaders in SR&ED Tax Credit programs are presenting two must-attend featured sessions at IT360 Conference & Expo, April 7, 2010 in Toronto (

March 5, 2010 (Toronto, ON)... Tax credits are increasingly important during this economic environment. MEUK Corporation, leaders in SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) Tax Credit programs are presenting two must-attend featured sessions at IT360 Conference & Expo, April 7, 2010 in Toronto (

The morning session, "3 Steps to Simplifying Your Software Development Projects for Tax Credits," is presented by David Sabina. To survive in any industry today, one's business must be innovative and resourceful. Even the slightest improvements to products or processes could be vital to business survival. This course will focus on the SR&ED Tax Credit Program and Software Development eligibility.

"No matter how small one's business is if there are eligible projects, these businesses may qualify. Attendees will become educated on the subject and learn about a new methodology to simplify the SR&ED process benefiting business models in a great way," said David Sabina, Director, MEUK Corporation.

The afternoon session, "Advanced Issues - SR&ED Income Tax Cases - Analyzing what is Black vs. White vs. Grey," is also presented by David Sabina and will illustrate how various technological and financial issues require the use of professional judgment. It will include an overview of recent SR&ED tax cases and related implications for claimants.

"SR&ED has taken a front seat in assisting organizations to significantly upgrade and develop their software development cycles to improve their company's productivity and ROI. These programs will demystify criteria and access to these funds," said Bruce Cole, Show Director, IT360 Conference & Expo.

David Sabina has completed the CICA's in-depth tax course and currently is Director at MEUK Corporation. For over 15 years, Sabina's background encompasses the design and implementation of systems to enable enterprises of all sizes to document and evaluate their R&D efforts. His primary focus is to provide scientific and development personnel with simple but effective tools to document and augment their research efforts. Sabina is also currently the team leader of the Hamilton and St. Catharine's area SR&ED practitioners' group. This group represents professionals from the accounting, legal and scientific professions, all of whom are engaged in the practice of SR&ED tax credit claim preparation. This group continuously makes representations to Ottawa whenever they see opportunities to enhance the SR&ED legislation for the benefit of all taxpayers. For more information about David Sabina:

Registration increases daily for IT360 Conference & Expo, Canada's only comprehensive IT event dedicated to providing business professionals complete IT solutions. MEUK's two featured sessions are included at no extra cost in all attendee registrations.

About IT360° Conference & Expo
IT360° Conference and Expo is an IT360 Inc. ( event managed by Plum Communications working in partnership with IT World Canada addresses the critical issues facing the industry while providing realistic strategies to enable the implementation of the best and most cost efficient solutions. Plum Communications Inc. is a leading Canadian organizer of community-based IT events "Cultivating Innovation in Technology" since 1984 focusing on what companies are doing and how IT professionals are implementing new systems. IT360 Conference & Expo's upcoming event is April 7, 2010 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

About MEUK Corporation
Maximum Efficient Use of Knowledge Corporation (MEUK) provides SR&ED claim advisory services and R&D tracking tools that streamline the R&D Tax Credit process. We work in every industrial sector nationwide and currently have over 400 clients with a 100% success rate in the last 10 years.

For further information contact:
Stephanie Cole, Event Publicist, IT360, 905.695.0123 x211,
Nick Matysek, Technical Marketing Director, MEUK Corporation, 905.631.5600,
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