Sponsored Nonprofit Forge 54 Announces Completion of Water Well in Uganda

Nonprofit, Forge 54 has reached way beyond its local nonprofit Orange County and officially donated a water well to a rural Ugandan village. The organization that facilitated the installment of the well, Wells of Life, received over $500,000 worth of marketing services from the Forge team at no cost during Forge 54's annual pro bono marketing weekend last October.

​OneOC-sponsored nonprofit Forge 54 today announced the completion of a water well in the Kumi District of Uganda. The well was crowd-funded by young professionals who volunteered during Forge 54’s annual pro bono marketing weekend last October. The construction of the well, overseen by nonprofit organization Wells of Life, means 732 households near the Olungia Community School now have sustained access to clean, safe, drinking water.

In 2015, Forge 54 selected Wells of Life as its nonprofit recipient of donated marketing services. Wells of Life received a redesigned website, live action and animated brand videos, an online donation platform, social media and public relations execution plans, a mobile app and more. The estimated worth of all assets created during the 2015 skilled-giving weekend was $574,725 and Forge 54, which operates on in-kind and monetary donations alone, handed the materials over to Wells of Life free of cost.

Said Wells of Life Founder and CEO Nick Jordan: "Although we received substantial collateral materials, the most lasting happening from Forge 54 for 2015 will be this water well. It is a beacon of hope on the landscape of rural Uganda, bringing life to a community of around 1,000 people."

Nick Jordan, Wells of Life Founder and CEO

After working so closely with the Wells of Life team, Forge 54 was inspired to raise $3,000 which was matched by Wells of Life Founder and CEO Nick Jordan to completely fund the drilling and installation of a new well in a rural Ugandan village.

“The volunteers went way above and beyond after already donating so much of their time and talent,” said Forge 54 executive director Torrey Tayenaka. “Forge 54 is special because everyone involved shares the same passion, pride and excitement for making a difference in Orange County’s nonprofit community.”

Forge 54‘s contribution marks the 164th well in Wells of Life’s 1000-well goal. Each well provides clean, safe, drinking water for up to 25 years and greatly improves the community’s quality of life by alleviating the need for children to walk long distances to collect unsafe water. The wells, like the one Forge donated, enable children to attend school and eventually improve their community.

Said Jordan: “Although we received substantial collateral materials, the most lasting happening from Forge 54 for 2015 will be this water well. It is a beacon of hope on the landscape of rural Uganda, bringing life to a community of around 1,000 people.”

​Forge 54 is committed to helping Orange County nonprofits in need by creating marketing tools for organizations to better promote their missions. Young professionals who feel they are unable to make significant monetary contributions can support nonprofit organizations by giving of their time and talents through Forge 54’s annual event. The new Forge 54 well in Uganda, which will provide a life-saving resource to a community in dire need, is an example of the impact Forge 54 hopes to help other Orange County nonprofits make.


About Forge 54

Forge 54 brings together a community of passionate creative marketing individuals to serve nonprofit organizations through skilled-giving. Using their expertise, volunteers collaborate and teach each other new skills while supporting nonprofits in need. For more information on Forge 54 follow them on on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or visit Forge54.com.