Specialist Photography Tours Around Vibrant Rajasthan In India

Amateur and aspiring photographers can make the most of a trip to Rajasthan by tagging along with Dave Bouskill, a professional travel photographer who will lead two tours to on of India's most vibrant states in January and February 2011.

Developing its series of unique experiences around Rajasthan in North India, boutique travel agency Wire launches two specialist travel photography tours. Aimed at amateur and aspiring photographers, Wire has enlisted travel photographers and writers Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil to help plan and lead the trip. Each tour combines the exotic sights and royal heritage of India's "incredible state" as well as taking guests further off the well trodden path in to rural areas. Each day Dave will give expert tuition and guidance, based on his extensive work as an international travel photographer.

Visitors to Rajasthan can usually expect to leave with a colourful set of holiday photographs, but with Wire's expertly planned photography tours and Dave and Deb's insight, clients will be able to create stunning portfolios worthy of a travel reportage. With 10- and 14-day options, each with different characteristics and tempo, both tours provide an excellent opportunity to learn more advanced travel photography skills, whilst still enjoying India as an amazing holiday destination.

Khaled Hussain, co-founder and marketing director of Wire comments on the new tours: "Having Dave and Deb lead a specialised photography tour represents a fantastic opportunity - for both Wire and our clients. We're delighted to have access to Dave's specialist knowledge and to combine it with a format that will appeal to budding photographers. Every detail has been finely tuned to create the right atmosphere and opportunities to make stunning photographs and engage with local people."

Wire is already establishing itself as a key player in the Rajasthan tourism sector, designing tours that cater for more discerning travellers and those looking for a unique twist in their itinerary. As Europeans based in Rajasthan, Wire's directors are ideally placed to match Western expectations with the vast array of history, culture, sights, sounds and opulence that make the state one of India's most popular destinations for foreigners.

CLICK departs from Jodhpur on 27th January 2011, FOCUS from Delhi on 8th February. Prices start from £2920 per person on a twin-sharing basis and include all activities, meals, transportation and return flights from London airports. Alternative departure points in Europe, US and Canada can be arranged upon request. More information is available on the Wire website http://www.mywireindia.co.uk