SparkTrust Appoints Gregory K. Amlin as General Manager

Web safety and security firm SparkTrust has announced Gregory K. Amlin as its General Manager. The new GM will oversee operations for the upcoming launch and ongoing development of SparkTrust's vulnerability detection and user review properties.

SparkTrust today named Gregory K. Amlin as General Manager as the company ramps up for their upcoming launch. The web safety and security firm officially opens their doors in Spring 2011, offering a variety of services to secure websites and online purchases. Amlin, a long-time tech executive, brings over 25 years of experience to the startup.

Greg Amlin has been part of the online security world since 2006, and involved in the tech sector since the mid 1980s. In that time he held diverse and rising positions with ParetoLogic, Mobile Computing, and TNT Logistics. Throughout his career, Amlin continues to develop a reputation for customer-centric focus.

"This was an excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a business that will have a significant effect on web users' safety. I'm very pleased to helm operations for SparkTrust, and I look forward to announcing our spearhead products in the coming months," said Amlin.

With a multilateral approach to online safety, SparkTrust gives website owners new opportunities to protect their customers - and their reputations. Not only can hacks and malware infections spoil an online business, but they can also lead to stiff penalties. SparkTrust also gives home shoppers more reassurance that their online transactions are safe; online window shoppers know they can browse in peace, and buyers know that their credit details are protected.

"The universal nature of SparkTrust safety and security really appealed to me," said Amlin. "With what could be called a holistic approach to web safety, we can approach online trust from social as well as technical directions."

Amlin's resume is studded with recognitions and accomplishments: revenue gains, walls of fame, and successful launch after successful launch. The SparkTrust founders are placing their bets on Amlin, with confidence that he will do the same with them and their plans to improve customer trust, website security, and online shopping safety.

About SparkTrust
