Spam causes financial loss and environmental damage

The amount of spam sent out last year caused an emission of carbon dioxide that is equal to drive around the earth 1.6 million times.

According to a several investigations spam causes financial loss and damages the environment. With a professional filter this can be reduced and at the same time the environment is supported.

Spam increases costs significantly, especially for larger organizations. The German institute for Labor (IZA) calculated that the total cost of spam for organizations is 1200 minutes (20 hours) of the working time per employee per year.

Green plans
According to a recent survey, conducted by Forrester Research, 47% of the respondents stated to have green IT plans or strategies. Another 30% of the 900 IT-professionals that participated, were considering at least one project. More than half of all businesses ensure that their technology purchases fulfill certain green criteria. "With current technology changes, everything has to be adapted to support the environment" according to Nils Decker from the email security firm SpamExperts. "We can offer our customers our two strengths at once: get rid of spam and reduce unnecessary waste".

Professional protection
With a professional email protection the labor waste caused by spam will be taken away entirely. According to a report of McAfee, the total energy consumption related to spam could be reduced by 75%, if everyone were to make use of a professional solution.