SouthEnd Dentistry Staff Volunteers at North Carolina Missions of Mercy Clinic

SouthEnd Dentistry founder Dr. Bradford Picot and several of his staff members volunteered at the latest North Carolina Missions of Mercy clinic.

Several times a year, the North Carolina Dental Society’s Missions of Mercy opens a free clinic for anyone in the area in need of dental care. For many in several areas of North Carolina, this is the only time they can receive the dental care they need. Dr. Bradford Picot and his staff from SouthEnd Dentistry, a Charlotte dental office, volunteered at the latest clinic.

The Missions of Mercy clinic is a portable facility set up in areas of the state that need primary dental care the most. The mission of the program is to provide as many services to as many people as possible. Patients with no other access to healthcare come into the clinic by the hundreds to get fillings and extractions. The staff at these events is trained to help as many people no questions asked, as possible. Through this program, many in the area get the primary treatment they need to live a healthy and comfortable life. Occurring every few months, these clinic are staffed by dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, lab technicians, and many more professional and general volunteers from around the state. The clinics are also staffed with students from the University Of North Carolina School Of Dentistry and the Eastern Carolina University School of Dental Medicine. The Missions of Mercy tries to put the best dentists in the clinic so that they can help as many people who can’t afford dental care as possible. For SouthEnd Dentistry, this was an opportunity for Dr. Bradford Picot and his staff to showcase their skills and help the community.

Through the Missions of Mercy, Dr. Picot and his staff at SouthEnd Dentistry were able to get out into the community and do what they love to do. Dr. Picot says that his work in his private practice is bolstered by his and his staff’s willingness to help those who need it in their community and beyond. Through programs like the free clinic, he can spread his services to even more clients throughout the state. The Missions of Mercy free dental clinic is a good way to put faces to the names at SouthEnd, and network with other dentists around the state who may be able to help both Dr. Picot and his many patients throughout the area.

As the patient list at SouthEnd Dentistry grows due to their excellent service and light touch approach, Dr. Picot and his staff have more opportunities to do what they do best: help people with their dental needs. The Missions of Mercy free clinics offer them a chance to work with patients they wouldn’t otherwise have a chance to work with and expand their network. For the residents near these clinics, they get the free help they need. Everyone wins when the Missions of Mercy clinic sets up in town.

Dr. Bradford Picot founded SouthEnd Dentistry in 2009 to be a community-based organization. He encouraged his staff to get out and work in the community as much as possible, giving back to the area that has given so much to them over the past six years. Dr. Picot says that some of his most rewarding work since moving to Charlotte has been for free.

About: SouthEnd Dentistry staff worked with other volunteers at the North Carolina Missions of Mercy free dental clinic.

About SouthEnd Dentistry

The Six Month Smiles adult short-term orthodontic program is at SouthEnd Dentistry

SouthEnd Dentistry
1520 South Blvd. Suite 110
Charlotte, NC

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