SORSI Mid Year Chiropractic Research and Education Symposium Scheduled for April 8-10, 2016

SORSI, Sacro Occipital Research Society International, will hold its 2016 Mid Year Chiropractic Research and Education Symposium entitled "Pain Control and Upper Extremities" from Friday, April 8 - Sunday, April 10, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Sheraton Atlanta Airport Hotel.

SORSI, Sacro Occipital Research Society International, will hold its 2016 Mid Year Chiropractic Research and Education Symposium entitled “Pain Control and Upper Extremities” from Friday, April 8 – Sunday, April 10, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Sheraton Atlanta Airport Hotel. The event will feature hands on training by leading chiropractors including Nelson DeCamp DC, DACAN, FICS; Kim Shara DC, DICS; Chris Ourganian DC, AP; Jerry Hockman DC, FICS; Sheila Bochicchio DC, CC; Michael J Cindrich DC, DICS; Joseph Unger, Jr. DC, FICS; Ned Heese DC, FICS; Dan Madock DC, DICS; Stephane Provencher DC, DICS; John Farmer DC, FICS; and Bradley Kuntz DC, DICS.

Topics include: Orthopedic Neurological Basis of SOT®, SOT® Category I, II, and III; Essentials of SOT® Methods; The R plus C Factor; Neuro-Muscular and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Methods of Pain Control; Acute and Chronic Pain Control Utilizing the Suboccipital Fibers; Chiropractic Manipulation of the Shoulder under Anesthesia; Cervico-Shoulder Assessment of Soft-Tissue Correlation and Treatment without Manipulation; Upper Extremity Adjusting and Frozen Shoulder and the Brain Stem Sacral Triangulation and its Relationship to Occipital Function. CEU’s available in Georgia and most other states. The program is recognized by SOTO-International, SORSI and ICS for certification hours.

Learn to manage Pain Control and Adjust Upper Extremities with Confidence! Enhance your skills with this training—it is an invaluable opportunity!

Kristen Boie, Marketing Manager

Registration is required by calling 913-239-0228 or visiting the SORSI website at the Hotel reservations can be made by calling 800-325-3535. 


Sacro Occipital Research Society International was founded in 1929 with the aim of preserving and promoting Sacro Occiptial Technic and Chiropractic Craniopathy as developed by Dr. M.B. DeJarnette.

2184 Channing Way , #460
Idaho Falls, ID

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