Solutions Group Accelerates Awareness of Decelerator with Twitter, Facebook and Internet Search

Due to the widespread issues of Sudden Unintended Acceleration, Sean O'Neil of Solutions Group, Inc. has directed the company to make the highest and best use of online marketing and social media to get the word about the Company's newest product, Th

Santa Barbara, CA May 18, 2010 - Sean O'Neil, CEO of Solutions Group Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SOLU), revealed that the Company has increased public awareness of two of its foremost product lines, the automotive Decelerator to stop SUA, and the iDrive vehicle event onboard recorder, through creating their presence on Facebook and Twitter, while optimizing its search engine presence by engaging Best Online Results of Austin, Texas. The new programs already have resulted in enabling the public to view the Decelerator in action on Comcast in New England by simply entering 888 at their menu options.

Mr. O'Neil stated, "We have to expand our reach out to the public and we are working to do that through traditional marketing channels, but with such a widespread problem we have decided to accelerate the delivery of our message through many new online media marketing channels."

Joshua Geary, Principal of Best Online Results, an Internet Marketing Company at, added, "Our main goal is to leverage the Internet, communicate through every available online voice and more effectively increase Solution's reach and engage consumers concerned about sudden unattended acceleration. We are doing that through a comprehensive online strategic marketing approach including video, social media and online press marketing."

Solutions Group Inc. and its iDrive and Decelerator products divisions can be found on Facebook as "SOLUTIONS GROUP," "DECELERATOR" and "IDRIVE - vehicle monitoring system." You are invited to follow Solutions Group Inc. and its products on Twitter under "SOLU805" (Solutions Group), "theDecelerator" and "idriveX1."

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Video of Solutions products can be found on YouTube, and Video on Demand is provided by VoD Newswire at:, and

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About Solutions Group:

Solutions Group is an international provider of Managed Engineering Services. The Company seamlessly integrates its regional design centers in North America with its lower cost off-shore engineering locations in Romania and Mexico to provide exceptional blended pricing solutions and reduced product design cycle times. Solutions Group creates greater value for its shareholders by leveraging its core engineering competencies into other opportunities including royalty partnerships, intellectual property creation and selective acquisitions. SGI's customers currently include major Fortune 500 companies, small and mid-range OEMs and early stage product companies.

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About Solutions Group, Inc.

Solutions Group, Inc.
3757 State St. Suite 306
Santa Barbara, CA
