Solace International Offers DermaTend: A New Option for Mole Removal
Online, October 6, 2010 (
Reno, NV - October- 6,2010 -- Many people who suffer from moles and skin tags on the neck and face area find it difficult to carry on conversations due to the fear that others are repelled by the sight of these blemishes. Those who have moles on the surface of their body may be reluctant to wear items of clothing that reveal these moles, such as swimwear, tank tops, and shot sleeves.
Before DermaTend, options for mole treatment were limited and expensive. Doctors and dermatologists have practiced burning, cutting and using lasers to remove surface moles. However, these options come without guarantees of success. In addition, many people have learned the hard way that using such drastic methods to get rid of a mole can often result in highly noticeable scars that can become bigger than the mole that was removed.
Unlike surgery or a laser treatment, DermaTend is a topical product that is simply applied to the surface of the moles. After a few applications, the mole or skin tag will scab over and new skin will begin to grow under the scab. Once the scabbed mole falls off, the skin underneath will be fresh and clear, without a trace of the mole that once resided in the space.
Another factor that makes DermaTend different from traditional mole removal methods is that it is made from natural products and can even be used on children under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian.
Finally, the top selling point of DermaTend is its price. Dollar for dollar, it is far less expensive than the traditional methods of treating moles. And, while mole surgery carries no guarantee, those who try DermaTend and don't get the results they are looking for can get a full refund.
About Solace International Inc.:
Solace International Inc. is a company that was developed to help improve the lives of others. DermaTend is one of the life changing products that Solace has developed, in order to help make life better for people who suffer from the emotional and social discomfort of moles and skin tags.
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Contact Information:
Aaron Lilly
80 Continental Dr. Ste 101
Reno, NV 89509